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Full Version: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence
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(2009.May.19 04:31 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe it's the acid? bawhahahahaha Thanks Badluck I needed that laugh.

lol, too much of the acid. And np Smile
badluck embarrassed himself, needs face.


you know what badluck, i understand that you lost and i won. and you must be really embarrassed. so i get it, all you can do to try and feel better is to make "gay" jokes and hospitalize someone half your level, maybe even going to the extent of bragging about it. but it wont change the fact that you don't have enough common sense to think about your actions when it clearly would rip gang members apart. i hope you are happy that you're a joke to the community of AL, a flibbertigibbet among the sane. no one will respect a teacher for snapping and beating the crAp out of some toddler. especially for the sole reason he corrected her while she was on the chalkboard. likewise, no one thinks it is such a feat that someone who was level 30 something can hospitalize a level 16 player who owns no good weapons. if you really are as mature as you think and say you are, you would admit that you were wrong and apologize for stepping in on a situation you shouldn't have had anything to do with in the first place. you were the one who started all this nonsense when you told me i had a bad attitude and tried to dictate who goes in what power in the gang that despised you. so altogether, i hope you get a thrill out of a battle that really shouldn't challenge you... i wonder if you have ANY rational thoughts. think about it


Spank him until he learns!!!!!!!!!!!
What is with everyone's talk of someone being a disgrace to AL-kind because they're beating their teeth in with a wrench?

This thread should of been locked up whenever the situation was dealt with.


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