(2009.May.07 01:58 AM)Shotokan Wrote: [ -> ]not sure if this this is right, but i now have 2 different kinds of accuracy implants is that allowed?
there is no problem with that

if you got a $75,000 implant you can also get a $200,000 implant
and they will apear in diffrent categories
just an example:
Cyberware Rating Description
Cybernetic Eye Replacement 1 Cybernetic eye replacement takes your natural eyes and replaces them with computerized optical transmitters to improve vision. Eye replacements can look like anything, from a real eye to silvered orbs.
Bionetic Eye Replacement 1 The bionetic eye replacement is similar to the cybernetic replacement, but grown completely from synthetically-cultured human tissue. Vision is improved beyond normal human means.
If I have 4 accuracy .85 upgrades, I have to remove all 4? Or just one.. all 4 is what it appears to be.
i don't think you can remove all for in only one shoot
you have to make 4 diffrent requests since the price for removal drops a little bit
Zen could add the option to remove multiple implants and in that case the player would just pay the total cost i guess
(2009.May.07 11:36 AM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]If I have 4 accuracy .85 upgrades, I have to remove all 4? Or just one.. all 4 is what it appears to be.
Yes, all of one implant must be removed completely.
I've added a few checks to eliminate some funky duplicate surgeries, and also added a link to cancel any scheduled appointments a medic has made themselves. This will let a medic flake out on a surgery if a recipient doesn't accept it in a timely manner.
I think I may add the option for a player to reject grown tissue and go back to the request page for another shot if the humanity gained isn't to their liking, but there will have to either be some sort of delay (like you have to wait a day to reject) or some sort of cost (such as CP cost by the scientist). If you keep rejecting a scientist, chances are they won't help you out anymore since it will cost something.
For example, say you want to remove an implant that cost 0.85 humanity. The first scientist grows some tissue, but after 24 hours you see it's only giving back 0.31, not enough for your liking. You could reject this this and another scientist could attempt to regrow tissue in hopes of a better humanity replacement.
So far the overall percentage of humanity replaced in the logs is 62.91%. It really can only go higher as more ranks are earned by scientists.
sounds like a good idea
also it's clear scientists will make some nice cash this way

also might just be me but i just loged in and i found 1mil in my hand
also I think scientists should get some sort of discount when removing their implants
How would you be able to remove your own implants?
Should totally remove normal stats and get skin-graphs..Get more humanity. XD
(2009.May.07 02:15 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]How would you be able to remove your own implants?
they wouldn't do the operation themselfs
but because they are in the domain they would get a discount
like working as a salesman at a car dealership or something
the employ discount