Loki (betaraybill)
Eaglefreak (chiefeagle) (captain america)
Ushanewnewba (WOLVERINE!!!)
That was the Marvel Legends.
Little Heroes = Punisher
hehe, he was just a baby
2152 Referred Eagle and I. Good stuff huh!
jlabrasseur [1089] Donator: 16 Days Left
AKA.. The Godfather of the Marvel Dynasty.
Ush, you were wolverine? Hard to thibnk you used to be "cool"
Yeah, things used to be much different here. Players were much more hardcore. Best way to get along now is to stay quiet, gym, crime... and never fight anyone.. lol.
Hopefully community will improve soon.
Yea they were. I remember my first wise ass post when i was like level 3. They reply I got was. "Thats your one time, do it again and you will be hosp'd till you quit"
It was not a bluff. Saw many speak out and then be forced out.
(2009.Apr.13 06:33 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Yea they were. I remember my first wise arse post when i was like level 3. They reply I got was. "That's your one time, do it again and you will be hosp'd till you quit"
It was not a bluff. Saw many speak out and then be forced out.
Sometimes you didn't even need to do that to get hosp'd. I remember on several occasion where I'd get online hits & hosp's done just because.
The action was definitely more fierce back then and there was none of the whining about it as there is now.
(2009.Apr.12 08:09 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]GenSoldier [2152], if memory serves, was the one. He also referred another big name...
EagleFreak, according to an old thread.
I refer'd Ush to the game, while I was using the restroom, GenSoldier got Ush to put in his referal link. GRRRRRRRRR!
also 2055 Eternal Koor (yes the only guy with a space in his name) ref'd me but once again, GenSoldier got his referal ID first.
Damn, that's a lot of free credits. Shame to see them being wasted as Gen's inactive now.