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Full Version: Beerathon, Best BAC
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(2009.Mar.22 12:49 PM)delpot Wrote: [ -> ]:patiently waits for prize:


(2009.Mar.28 05:04 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Okay.

I heard you were getting a Wookie Mask
I heard something else. A gorrila mask. That's WAY different from the forementioned.
(2009.Mar.29 11:32 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I heard something else. A gorrila mask. That's WAY different from the forementioned.

For sure. Planets of the apes and Kashyyk are not the same.


[Image: abg.jpg]

Eek OMG where did you get my pic? that's me in the middle!
(2009.Mar.30 08:18 PM)Eaglefreak Wrote: [ -> ]Eek OMG where did you get my pic? that's me in the middle!


I always figured you were this guy

[Image: falco.png]


(2009.Mar.30 08:25 PM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Mar.30 08:18 PM)Eaglefreak Wrote: [ -> ]Eek OMG where did you get my pic? that's me in the middle!


I always figured you were this guy

Except he was serious, the guy does resemble him lol
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