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McCormack and Richard Tauber are singing by the bed
There's a glass of punch below your feet and an angel at your head
There's devils on each side of you with bottles in their hands
You need one more drop of poison and you'll dream of foreign lands

When you pissed yourself in Frankfurt and got syph down in Cologne
And you heard the rattling death trains as you lay there all alone
Frank Ryan bought you whiskey in a brothel in Madrid
And you decked some fucking blackshirt who was cursing all the Yids
At the sick bed of Cuchulainn we'll kneel and say a prayer
And the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil's in the chair

And in the Euston Tavern you screamed it was your shout
But they wouldn't give you service so you kicked the windows out
They took you out into the street and kicked you in the brains
So you walked back in through a bolted door and did it all again
At the sick bed of Cuchulainn we'll kneel and say a prayer
And the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil's in the chair

You remember that foul evening when you heard the banshees howl
There was lousy drunken bastards singing "Billy In The Bowl"
They took you up to midnight mass and left you in the lurch
So you dropped a button in the plate and spewed up in the church

Now you'll sing a song of liberty for blacks and paks and jocks
And they'll take you from this dump you're in and stick you in a box
Then they'll take you to Cloughprior and shove you in the ground
But you'll stick your head back out and shout "We'll have another round"
At the graveside of Cuchulainn we'll kneel around and pray
And God is in His heaven, and Billy's down by the bay
for the recorsd im gucnking pussecd!
0.494 was my best, and I'm heading off. Good luck to all remaining players!
(2009.Mar.17 07:49 PM)Prophesy Wrote: [ -> ][quote='Behemit' pid='102492' dateline='1237337526']

nah its the beer that effects happiness Smile

I second that!

3/4 pint Guinness® stout
1/2 shot Bailey's® Irish cream
1/2 shot Jameson® Irish whiskey

Add the Bailey's and Jameson to a shot glass, layering the Bailey's on the bottom. Pour the Guinness into a pint glass or beer mug 3/4 of the way full and let settle. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness and chug. If you don't drink it fast enough it will curdle and increasingly taste worse.
We call that a Belfast car bomb.
woot i drank the most in one sitting...thats a first....28 beers in a row taint bad Smile


wow, valhalla certainly lived up to their viking reputation in the contest!!

Rank User Best BAC Beer Streak Total Beers
1 ^V^ Behelit 0.668 17 517
2 ^V^ ShaneMacGowan 0.655 17 272
5 ^V^ Inactive 0.602 17 660
6 ^V^ Preacher 0.571 15 1,289
12 ^V^ drinkdrankdrunk 0.546 13 332
20 ^V^ ThorDrinkinsom 0.527 22 993

Huzzah to my viking brethren!!

if i hadn't gone out and gotten real life hammered last night perhaps i could've given behelit a run for his money!


How is ^USN^ mightymouse not the winner?
He got 0.99 and in 344th place.


(2009.Mar.18 06:35 AM)TurkeyJerkey Wrote: [ -> ]How is ^USN^ mightymouse not the winner?
He got 0.99 and in 344th place.

those last few are clearly .099 and lower and a typo was made


Yea I was being a smart ass ...
if you can hit .99 with 3 drinks, that means you have less then 6 ounces of blood in you : ) )
can ya'll keep it down, my head is still POUNDING! and stop spinning the room!
(2009.Mar.18 08:59 AM)Eaglefreak Wrote: [ -> ]can ya'll keep it down, my head is still POUNDING! and stop spinning the room!

Isn't that your 3rd time near the top of the list?
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