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Full Version: Beerathon, Best BAC
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How we doin?

Your best blood alchohol content was 0.417
For likely references, last time's top 10

Quote:Top Eggnog Drinkers for December 14th, 2008 Eggnog-athon (Ordered by Blood Alcohol Content)
Rank User Best BAC Beer Streak Total Beers
1 HC{- FlyingDutchman 0.760 16 221
2 S}{WL aidivn 0.742 16 128
3 }DIS{ BadLuck 0.737 15 806
4 Mythical Dragon 0.734 15 336
5 SV Ass 0.731 15 73
6 ^V^ NiteMugger 0.720 15 403
7 VS DrunkenSlobOfAL 0.714 14 1,687
8 PC WrathOfGod 0.698
9 beetlejuice 0.698 27 980
10 SV shtnluckycharms 0.689 15 595
The eggnog was spiked with vodka, though. You ain't gonna get 60 points like you did during the Christmas contest.


.420 so far
o.439 Rolleyes
I'm looking at the .5 mark.
0.571 here

know there has been 06ish done
is there a method to the madness or is it really just random?
i'm sitting on .431 as of right now. planning on beating that i hope.


.655 but i know of people who have done better
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