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To be honest I don't understand why endurance is needed to use a weapon.
Take a shotgun for example, you need a strong arm to hold it and a good eye to hit the target and you can use it. It doesn't matter if you can run 100m or 10km.
I understand intelligence since if you are too stupid to use a weapon you'll only harm yourself.
Even if you get tired really fast using a higher class weapon it only means the fight will be shorter, not that you can't use it.
But more than likely you're not going to be standing still while you get fired at. You're going to be ducking, dodging, and finding cover. End. reqs make perfect sense.
Because endurance is the true measure of your contribution to the game. I'm aware you can raise it through career, but let's be honest - it'd take years to get past lvl 10 END without a monetary boost.
For serious donators, there's already plenty of weps with crazy END.
Now there are good weapons for moderate donators - hopefully encouraging them to spend that extra 40-50$ to get the mid END items instead of spending 200$ to get to the high END items.
I think it's great! Thanks again Zen

yea it is good,,,wish these options would have been around when alot of us could have really used them...
(2009.Mar.12 10:16 AM)Canosoup Wrote: [ -> ]But more than likely you're not going to be standing still while you get fired at. You're going to be ducking, dodging, and finding cover. End. reqs make perfect sense.
Read again. Your post too.
Ducking, dodging and finding cover are actions in a fight. You don't need to duck or dodge in order to use a weapon.
There fore endurance is required for better fighting not for being able to use a weapon.
Zhuy. Here. This should clear it up for you.
If a boxer is doing conditioning, that means he/she is training their body to face the extreme requirements of the fight(withstanding punches, leaning, bobbing and weaving, throwing their own array of punches, moving around the ring, getting up from a knock-down).
The definition of endurance:
1. the fact or power of enduring or bearing pain, hardships, etc.
2. the ability or strength to continue or last, esp. despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina: He has amazing physical endurance.
3. lasting quality; duration: His friendships have little endurance.
New weapons! I'm coming back now!

(2009.Mar.12 11:17 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Zhuy. Here. This should clear it up for you.
If a boxer is doing conditioning, that means he/she is training their body to face the extreme requirements of the fight(withstanding punches, leaning, bobbing and weaving, throwing their own array of punches, moving around the ring, getting up from a knock-down).
The definition of endurance:
1. the fact or power of enduring or bearing pain, hardships, etc.
2. the ability or strength to continue or last, esp. despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina: He has amazing physical endurance.
3. lasting quality; duration: His friendships have little endurance.
God dammit, at least pretend you are thinking.
Did you at least read my whole post or just the first and last word.
First a boxer DOES NOT use a weapon.
Second, you yourself said "the extreme requirements of the fight". THE FIGHT. Endurance is needed to fight better, not to use a weapon.
Again, to use a weapon you don't need to dodge, duck, withstand hits or any other part of a fight.
What does fatigue or stamina have to do with KNOWING how to USE a weapon?
(2009.Mar.12 11:17 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]New weapons! I'm coming back now! 
i would consider a boxer's fists, a pretty good weapon in a fight...
and the more endurance the boxer has, the longer and possibly more often this boxer could use his fists in the fight....
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