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Gornikel Wrote:
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Both you and Divinity attacked me at the same time, and both of you about lost. Neutral

I can beat Divinity. No biggie.

Most level 20's can.

Quite a few playes I can beat hands down win if a hosp is tried. Shame I work harder and spend more than them just to have it taken away by code.
Just to show a huge random swing, check this out

Attack Time Jan 31 2009 - 9:08:43 am
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Jan 31 2009 - 2:39:09 am

Combatants ScooterMcgavin MaxZorin
Level During Fight 43 34
Starting Health 2200 Healthy
Hits 4 0
Best Hit 838 0
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 0 2,021
Total Damage Resisted 0 67
Total Damage Taken 0 1,954
Damage Received Per Hit 0.00 505.25
Damage Resisted Per Hit 0.00 16.75
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 0.00 488.50

Attack Time Feb 02 2009 - 9:05:35 am
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Feb 02 2009 - 2:39:22 am

Combatants ScooterMcgavin MaxZorin
Level During Fight 43 34
Starting Health 2200 Healthy
Hits 6 9
Best Hit 235 809
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 2,745 1,245
Total Damage Resisted 514 168
Total Damage Taken 2,231 1,077
Damage Received Per Hit 305.00 207.50
Damage Resisted Per Hit 57.11 28.00
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 247.89 179.50
you both have lots of borgs


seriously, when will people realise that high level doesn't equal high power, more often than not the reverse, actually? The more you concentrate on levelling, the less you're concentrating on training. Sure in the long run (pun, raf) the high levellers have an advantage with that monster EP gain. Short term, the low level trainers are gonna dominate, and hard.
LordSkie Wrote:seriously, when will people realise that high level doesn't equal high power, more often than not the reverse, actually? The more you concentrate on levelling, the less you're concentrating on training. Sure in the long run (pun, raf) the high levellers have an advantage with that monster EP gain. Short term, the low level trainers are gonna dominate, and hard.

i agree to a point. but if you consider that this game is played on a time frame for most people. if im a lvl 20 with a villa ill average about 20+ pts in the gym with say 10 end.. but if im a lvl 40 with a Villa ill get around 60+ per train.

And if in the end the Ultimate goal is training then shouldnt you level first? makes sense to me.


no no I totally agree with you. For a long time it's better to level than train- especially for non-donators or small donators, since more levels=more crimes, so you can pay for houses. The point is until you start training, you're gonna be weak as hell since those levels don't help a great deal with fighting, so lower levels that have been training, naturally, will beat you down. Why people take it as a really proud achievement to beat someone higher in level, I don't really understand- high level often means the absolute opposite, unless we're talking heavy donators. For raf's level, his stats are weak since he's spent so much time levelling and not so much training- even though he could dominate 90% of AL. Pun on the other hand is a beast because he trains far more than raf could dream of. Very similar level, very different power.
LordSkie Wrote:no no I totally agree with you. For a long time it's better to level than train- especially for non-donators or small donators, since more levels=more crimes, so you can pay for houses. The point is until you start training, you're gonna be weak as hell since those levels don't help a great deal with fighting, so lower levels that have been training, naturally, will beat you down. Why people take it as a really proud achievement to beat someone higher in level, I don't really understand- high level often means the absolute opposite, unless we're talking heavy donators. For raf's level, his stats are weak since he's spent so much time levelling and not so much training- even though he could dominate 90% of AL. Pun on the other hand is a beast because he trains far more than raf could dream of. Very similar level, very different power.

Sssshhhh ur telling them our secrets ... :oops:
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