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Crying for a house? Asked for a loan, so I can continue to grow into a beast and make my gang proud to have me on their side.

You're a level 42 that gets horribly slapped by a level 36. Cut the crap.
Weebay Wrote:Lets try to keep this one on topic!....Thank you

This confuses me..Where'd it go?


Seems u couldn't handle or hang.. And you aren't the right person to tell me if i failed or not.
Now u can go handle and hang to another part.
sorry for missing the topic. My emails to him are blocked.
And i guess i said everything i needed to say.
So, I have to ask, because I don't see a clear answer to the original question.
Does anyone know why this happens?
I ask because I had someone 2 lvls higher than me and 260 days older than me get a stalemate. But the averages CLEARLY said I should have been used as a mop!

Averages Me Them
Damage Received Per Hit 42.00 28.46
Damage Resisted Per Hit 10.29 11.85
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 31.71 16.62

Does the type of hit really make that much of a difference? Or is it the randomness?
DejaVu Wrote:Does the type of hit really make that much of a difference?

zenith Wrote:
DejaVu Wrote:Does the type of hit really make that much of a difference?


Very Cool, thank you! Biggrin
lol zen they never listen


Still I remember when w00k flipped out and thought him a whiner arse baby.Now Ive seen the effects for myself and know the stat difference it makes you want to throw up.


I've mentioned this in the past, I bit off with Conrad on a hosp months ago and he beat me down badly. I freaked out, as in really went bonkers, lucky I was home and not at work. I felt like I blew a gasket, I had to mail Wook and ask him how to cope with it!

After that though I realized it does work both ways, people who can beat me are not able to hosp me anymore. I learned to get over it and that it is just another part of the game.

Even last night I went to hosp Conrad, I knew I wasn't going to win and I was right!
I find that the more you attack a person in a day the more damage they do to you, and the less that you do to them. These two attacks were barly an hour apart, which is about the time it takes this player to get to full health. Also this did not happen because of round lenghts, the first fight was 11 rounds shorter then the second.

Attack 1
Combatants CrazyFoley XXX
Level During Fight 24 24
Starting Health 1203 Healthy
Hits 8 4
Best Hit 321 95
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 199 1,455
Total Damage Resisted 83 131
Total Damage Taken 116 1,324
Damage Received Per Hit 49.75 181.88
Damage Resisted Per Hit 20.75 16.38
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 29.00 165.50

Attack 2
Combatants CrazyFoley XXX
Level During Fight 24 24
Starting Health 791 Healthy
Hits 6 8
Best Hit 196 176
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 911 866
Total Damage Resisted 92 102
Total Damage Taken 819 764
Damage Received Per Hit 113.88 144.33
Damage Resisted Per Hit 11.50 17.00
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 102.38 127.33
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