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I'd not complain had it been full health,full health.

I am complaining because I (the far superior player) with full health lost to a very weak level 36 at half health.

Not only was it a loss but it was a huge loss.The code is flawed to much,it should not allow such results.
Again; Quit complaining. You took a chance. Marlo has more right to complain than you do, because he's far more superior than you are and lost in a LEAVE attack, and did far less damage to me than you did.

Bottom line; Quit complaining. There's no flaw. Just a critical at the right moment.


Backups, and Protections, by the lady
And you're incorrect, Divinity. By the way. You should try and berserk me when I'm at full health. Then, people will see a weaker, high level player than me.


It's the game. Just play.


As far as i know SVS has not gang points so the protection and back up is thrown out of the window.
Yep. I'll do just that. Wink While I do that, go ahead and hide away at whatever district you fled to.


I'm not hiding, i'm just on vacation. lol
Well..I found you and smacked you in the lips. A whole 200 damage really hurt..

I'm going to go back to enjoying the game. Do as you wish(I already know you will).



Combatants Divinity Behemoth
Level During Fight 42 36
Starting Health 2150 Healthy
Hits 13 13
Best Hit 331 638
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 2,642 1,844
Total Damage Resisted 209 634
Total Damage Taken 2,433 1,210
Damage Received Per Hit 203.23 141.85
Damage Resisted Per Hit 16.08 48.77
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 187.15 93.08

I lost, certainly..with almost 10 levels less than yours in stats.. what a shame for you. Now i understand why did u cry to us, asking for a house. Be humble.
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