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Full Version: BBH's $1,250,000 Giveaway Contest! (Early)
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Type: Guessing Competition (Restricted Guessing)

Prize: $1,250,000

Gangs Excluded:

Dissidence Family
X Pats

g2 (X) – for busting me successfully
CK, though retired (X)
Tommi (Diss)
Snow1eopardess (Diss)
NT (Val)



You will have to give me 3 correct numbers related to the questions that follow. You must be careful, as 1 incorrect guess eliminates you from the competition. This means this competition will require teamwork among each gang and potentially their allies (including talks perhaps to share the winnings).

An incorrect guess can be met by the following ways:

1. On your first guess, you get none of the correct numbers. If you guess at least 1 of the 3 correctly, then you get another guess.

2. On your second guess (assuming you got at least 1 of 3), you must get either the remaining numbers correct or at least 1 of the 2. If you do not, you are eliminated.

3. On your third guess, you now only have one number left to guess. You either get it right, or you are out of the competition.

If none of the guesses are met after 2 days, I will give out clues, and all who were eliminated will be allowed back into the competition, but 2 of the 3 of the questions will be changed. You will be told which of your guesses are correct if you fail to choose all of them correctly.



1. Some of you here know I’m a golfer. I’m 20 years old, but I’m known for being a power hitter, specifically for being able to hit my 3 and 4 irons in excess of 230 yards, drives in excess of 300 yards. Question is, with this distance, how many eagles have I had so far in my life? (Answer is between 0-30)

2. Another golf related question! What was my lowest score on 18 holes in 2008 in any local tournament? (answer is between 60-90) **Note, this is for a tournament, not casual play**

3. I’m also a tennis player. During high school (insert foreign equivalent), I was part of the longest match in school history, winning 7-6, 6-7, 7-6, with a record game of Deuce #20. Breaking down the hours into quarters, i.e., 6 hours and 15 minutes = 6.25, how long was my match to the nearest quarter of an hour (Answer is between 2.00-7.25)


Mail me in game with your answers. Remember, it’s one incorrect guess, and you’re out. Also, these details will be listed on my gang description, so you have access to them there if this thread gets cluttered with Dissidence/X/Val spam.

Good Luck!


A team of maximum 84 players is needed for a sure win.
The number can be lowered with different tactics.

x - answer to first question
y - answer to second question
z - asnwer to third question

First 11 players will give answers like the folowing:
x1 y z
x2 y z
x3 y z

If all fail then another 10 will do the same but x will be [11,20].
x1 y z
x2 y z

If one get another chance at least the x will be known.

The same will go for y where y belongs to [60,90].
x(known) y1 z
x(known) y2 z

First 10 then another 10 to waste less players Smile

After y will be found out z will be easier, only 22 numbers.
x(known) y(known) z1
x(known) y(known) z2

~quad era demonstratum~


Indeed, it is a group prize, not individual, as there is no way to "find" the numbers.

It will be interesting to see the responses come in by each gang.


Indeed, best is if 3 or 4 gangs get together and take the money.
A couple of players can organise the coalition of gangs and tell each member what msg to send.

They can split it and put it in the gangs' vaults.

It's easier then an OC and way better payment.


SV has the largest advantage by a single gang with 30 members (Howl is sitting in my gang right now).

Bad has the largest family - 72

Individual Gangs:

1. SV - 30
2. PC - 24
3. SoL - 21
4. Seven Laws - 19
5. Bad Muthas & Beer Store - 18


1. Bad - 72
2. Shadow - 57
3. Villains - 45

Bad can easily win it if they are coordinated enough.


CK quit.


He can always come back Smile


Ice i remember you telling me the "Answer's" for question 1 and 2 way before this comp wish i keep my msn msg's now great.


lol, my lowest score came late in the season, and I added some eagles since if I did tell you, but I don't recall that :shock:


Yep i remember you spouting on about something like that.

:x :shock: Biggrin
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