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Full Version: BBH's $1,250,000 Giveaway Contest! (Early)
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Evident by their responses and beyond a reasonable doubt, I've appeared to have gotten under the skin of X Pats. Victory is sweet, but for those of you annoyed by their cluttering posts, please mail me in game if you didn't see your question answered here, or if you don't want to bother looking through the thread for the question.

I will also take this time to thank X Pats for the free bump to keep this thread a top the discussion list for everyone who has not yet been able to view the topic.

Everyone should please send a thank you message to them for their deed despite being banned from the contest.



Quote:8:29 am Snow1eopardess busted you out of jail.

There's another participant in the contest.


iceman2020 Wrote:For example, your first mail to me is 8521 6325 4952. Let's say 4952 is correct. So I will tell you your 3rd # is correct, and you may continue guessing.

so it takes a maximum of 30 people to mindlessly put down numbers to get the solution. quite the "contest".
even as someone who´s not participating i´m a bit shocked that this concentrated lameness is all you could come up with after over a month of ubiquitous promotion


16tons Wrote:
iceman2020 Wrote:For example, your first mail to me is 8521 6325 4952. Let's say 4952 is correct. So I will tell you your 3rd # is correct, and you may continue guessing.

so it takes a maximum of 30 people to mindlessly put down numbers to get the solution. quite the "contest".
even as someone who´s not participating i´m a bit shocked that this concentrated lameness is all you could come up with after over a month of ubiquitous promotion

Never said it was going to be something spectacular. I said the prize would be significant, and that it would require teamwork and coordination.



I'll be mobile from 10:30am-~3:45pm I'll respond to any mails in game when I return.
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