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Full Version: BBH's $1,250,000 Giveaway Contest! (Early)
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Then request the information from Microsoft; this is big money we're talking here for you to win it all by yourself! lol


ZhuSeth Wrote:
iceman2020 Wrote:
DebbiePinson Wrote:Ice, you're too cool for sponsoring this contest. I love you (yes-homo)

Love you too. (yes-homo)

Interesting game.

It can be done once, but it's virtually a fail done twice.

Top car speed? Only 94 to pass. I'm an aggressive driver, but only when the situation requires such.

Trophies? Depends on your definition of trophy, but probably around 15 for various sport or academic achievements, with the majority coming from baseball at a young age.


I do assume too you were referring to my RX8. max? Right now, I have a Xterra for the winter months.


That one just sucked. It's more like:

DebbiePinson Wrote:Join us, X Pats. We like to harass players out of game, try to make new players quit, and try to circumvent the rules. We piss and moan when the rules aren't changed in our favor and say we'll quit and bring AL down until our demands are met.

Ultimately, we fail, and this can be demonstrated by the amount of members we have in fed jail or have been fed'd. We also support those who are for rape, such as our many backings of a player by the name of emocakes, primarily by our gift-giving member Dingus.
awesome I can play

What time does the contest start?


Quote: Sender : davefromaccounting [28520] online
Date : 5 February 09 @ 7:36:34 am
Subject : hey

with the contest do we guess all 3 or, 1 then 2 then 3

Good question. You may guess all 3 numbers in the order presented at the same time. As long as one is correct, your guessing may continue.

For example, your first mail to me is 8521 6325 4952. Let's say 4952 is correct. So I will tell you your 3rd # is correct, and you may continue guessing.


Contest began the moment this topic was posted


oh oh..what time it ends?


cmpunk Wrote:oh oh..what time it ends?

Contest ends when a winner guesses all 3 numbers correctly. After day 1, I will most likely give out some clues if the no one is close to getting the numbers right. After day 2, as the topic states, the questions will be changed, and everyone originally able to participate will be allowed back in; clues will be presented at the beginning.


While not a question, I will give out a "clue" since there wasn't suppose to be any before Day 2.

The statement about my distance was made to help guessers determine their guess a little more accurately. Obviously, more distance, means, potentially, more chances to hit a green in regulation, especially par 5's.

That's the one clue everyone gets today, to make sure it's on more of an even playing field. Despite SK's claims, he has not made a single guess. :wink:
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