BlitzKrieg Wrote:Zen
Has the code for gang crimes changed?
Seriously this is straight Ridiculous. I have spoken with 5 gang presidents and NONE of the gang crimes have succeeded in like 4-5 days?
yep they sure have and only the gangs that arent that active are feeling it... all the active gangs wouldnt have noticed the code change..
all i know is i was succeeding most my Ocs before and so was afew other gangs and now we are all failing... including some of you aswell.. did you change them zen?, seriously?, im just asking
Here is the detailed view on this crime.
Crime: Rob a Strip Mall
Your gang gained 26 gang points from this crime.
Result: success
Money Made: $21741
And we were not even that active, this is the eight member OC, maybe you all should try easier OC's. have to follow our instruction to the tee...and still then you might have one in a blue moon go bad....randomness still holds
and btw...if anyone leaves the gang during the crime it can affect its success
ZhuSeth Wrote:
Yo, SV guys (and the other gender), maybe you should first teach VS how to succeed in OCs. 
14827 VS Deathwing 28 109 Got caught by the cops in an organized crime.
26800 VS Runawaytrain 15 58 Got caught by the cops in an organized crime.
Ermm people have more important things to do that hack their activity in half like me and a few other members.
Punisher have to follow our instruction to the tee...and still then you might have one in a blue moon go bad....randomness still holds
and btw...if anyone leaves the gang during the crime it can affect its success
I just kicked 3 members :oops: