Their stats are true to level.
Eaglefreak and TheGeek tricked admin into hittable area, zenith attacked thegeek and won, eaglefreak then hit zenith.
There was much celebrating.
Doesn't matter Zen has lvl 10 shotty skill.
i would like to see either a pantheon or gang viewable page of total hideout hits in an entire al career with max hit, total damage, total ap spent, etc....
Player Hits Damage Max Hit
Delpot infinity a-milli 65
god knows how much cash i couldve made criming instead!
with the inpending (sp?) economic collapse, i suggest home prices drop significantly. very fast.
when are the chanegs coming zen?
I also am patiently waiting......
Conrad1103 Wrote:with the inpending (sp?) economic collapse, i suggest home prices drop significantly. very fast.
zenith Wrote:For the next month I will be focusing my time and energy entirely on finishing new code for the game. Err will be your primary source of contact for all in-game concerns while I go on my coding frenzy.
The last few months I've seen my coding time taken up by an increase of in-game and out-of-game AL issues, and it's time I refocused on what makes AL fresh.
I will still be around full-time like I always have been, but my primary focus will be coding new content for AL. During this time I request that your mails be directed toward Err, the Fed Jail King.
There are numerous awesome ideas by the community for additions/improvements that I have been unfortunately lagging on. There are a lot of things players have been waiting for such as new career abilities and new things to do, and I've failed to produce these things in a timely manner. I apologize for the delay, and hopefully this next month of refocused effort will help me catch up on code.
12 days to go woot!
biffbaffboff Wrote:12 days to go woot!
My inbox is still full though. Wonder why. Err is fully capable of handling questions