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(2009.May.06 07:12 PM)Thor Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry to hear that...
With my stats level, to remove all of 1 kind to gain 1-2 humanity points would take me like a year to make up for the lost levels,if not more, with no money back as incentive, it becomes only useful to the younglings who realize they made a mistake...
I'm not dissing you and your work Zen/Err, I know you've been working hard and long for this update I'm just stating my opinion. But to only get 1-3 humanity back to have to retrain 2-5 stats level in the 60's-70's is just not worth it, IMO.
Could we make it a variable in the cost & effectiveness then? If you've had it for 10 months, you pay 10x the price of the implant and regain all the humanity you would've gained since (simple enough to calculate). So it'd make it extremely expensive, and extremely potent.
It'll make machines out of the people who've had them for 3 years, and I can finally get that silly resistance thing out of my neck and enjoy the refreshing.
Might kill the game, but it'd be fun

imo should be 1/2 humanity regained per individual borg done....
not type of borg....but okey dokey
Hell, it shouldn't be any, seeing as it states that in the risks at the cyber-doc shop, but there is a replacement of your cells made from stems, which takes a good amount of time to produce.
Enjoy a good thing(Compensation for unwanted borgs).
You got to think far for that one.
Wich means the overall best decision, both game wise and marketing wise.
What to do, cause both options have good and negative sides.
I really do not think one should be walked over before even thinking about it.
but, serouisly do you have good stats Err?
(2009.May.15 12:51 PM)blackjack907 Wrote: [ -> ]but, serouisly do you have good stats Err?
let me put it this way
no one can hosp em
(2009.May.06 04:06 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]i cant wait for lvl 12 engineering/construction!
me too whoa
Too bad we can't implement some of these MUCH-anticipated additions to the game b/c Zen and Err are preoccupied with sorting out the aftermath of 7 laws' members molesting the system... Thanks guys!
(2009.Jun.09 11:39 PM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]Too bad we can't implement some of these MUCH-anticipated additions to the game b/c Zen and Err are preoccupied with sorting out the aftermath of 7 laws' members molesting the system... Thanks guys!
please crawl back into your hole
They took 2 hours of time out of Zen and Err's time. It isn't much of a loss..
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