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Deathbykiss Wrote:Seems harsh to quit, but will be missed. We all know Shadowguard is a bully to women and the only clever thing he can come up with himself is to call them drama queens. That's why he uses all the pics. LOL
Oh these kids.....They say the darnedest things.....
Hehehe!! It was a joke seemed like you were having fun with the thread so why not me?? I don't think you really a bully.

Deathbykiss Wrote:Hehehe!! It was a joke seemed like you were having fun with the thread so why not me?? I don't think you really a bully. 
We all know you're the bully here

I know all the gory details

Muahahahaha! Hey buddy how ya doin Merry Christmas etc etc. Miss ya. And your not supposed to tell on me!!!!!!!!! LOL
Hehe I'm good, Right back atcha. One of these days I'll reappear again on AA to TK you as per usual

Hmm..As drunk as I am, I think that's goofy means of quitting..It's been known they play the same account(Even though they say they don't), but it doesn't really matter..Can't tell..
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Hmm..As drunk as I am, I think that's goofy means of quitting..It's been known they play the same account(Even though they say they don't), but it doesn't really matter..Can't tell..
yeah but i think this has more to do with her brothers account being used by others....
why doesnt everyone just drop it?
We all know that SisterLynx is just crying over some stupid bulls**t........
It has all been discussed from who was staying where to who was using whos computers......
ITS A GAME, live with it....
If your gonna get pissed off because of a game and quit playing because of something stupid then you shouldnt be playing in the first place....
Huh..? Analogy: Drug king-pin with a mansion. You work for your house; they sell drugs for theirs..It's cheating..
I'm done..No more forum for me for a while..
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