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Full Version: This game is WAY more fun with online hits.
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I would have to agree to some sort of level cap on attacks.

But instead of saying you cant attack a person 10+ levels below you ( that would just cause people top run their mouths more than they should) I would say that after a certain level gap be it 7 or 10 the attack no longer recieves any XP for the attack.

For instance:

if attacker is +-5 levels = normal xp

if attacker is more than 5 levels higher= 1/2 xp

if attacker is +11 or more = 0 xp

if attacker is more than 5 levels lower than they get an extra 50% xp bonus

that way if someone still runs their mouth or whatever they can still be attacked. Not to mention Im not trying to put the hitmen out of work

but seriously if you can not handle being attacked then I think you may want to rethink you playing a game centered around attacking other players.

being attacked means:

1) dont send stupid mails asking why someone attacked you.....who really cares you got attacked you lost live with it.

2) dont ask for stims. again you got beat why should the other person suffer the financial burden of them being stronger?


"if attacker is +-5 levels = normal xp

if attacker is more than 5 levels higher= 1/2 xp

if attacker is +11 or more = 0 xp"

Isn't this effectively what happens now. I dont get drek for XP when i attack a Lvl 10 for example.


gotta agree there. there are some anomalies, like when i get more exp for bren than for rafal, but generally exp is pretty in-line with level.
grabtindy Wrote:"if attacker is +-5 levels = normal xp

if attacker is more than 5 levels higher= 1/2 xp

if attacker is +11 or more = 0 xp"

Isn't this effectively what happens now. I dont get drek for XP when i attack a Lvl 10 for example.

good thinking, so why not just hosp the little ones? it costs the same
XP gained isnt really based on level. It is based on Powerlevel which is calculated through a formula known only to Zen and Err. which is why there are so many anomolies. For instance today I beat a level 23 and got 130 xp. then beat a level 22 and got 220.

I fail to see why on the few occassions Punisher decides to attack me he should get any XP when 2 out of the last 3 times he attacked I did 20 or fewer damage in the fight. I dont care that he attacks it happens and its part of the game. but at my level and my apparent threat level(or lack there of) I fail to see how that would be teaching him anything

My post was merely an alternative to a hard level cap. I would be strongly against saying you couldnt hit anyone 7 or more levels below or above you. That would just lead to too many childish insults. we have enough of thoughs the way it is without giving protection to those doing the insulting.

now for the subject of the thread:

Im all for online attacks. I am sick of all the whining about you hit me when i was offline fore 18 minutes, or hit the inactives there are plenty of them around. When I started the unwritten rule was dont hit while online, that snowballed into wait 20 minutes. Now some are crying if it is less than 30. lets just get back to the nature of the game and attack whenever you want to. If you want to be reasonable and nice just dont hit the same guy online 10 times a day, or ask him if they trained. You usually have to wait 30 minutes or more for your energy anyway.
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