2008.Jan.01, 03:02 PM
2008.Jan.01, 08:49 PM
the only way i can see making online attacks "legal" is im theres a restriction places on the level range of people you can attack while theyre online (that restriction wouldnt be in effect if theyre offline.. only for online) that way people cant go around bullying people 10 levels lower than them or people that a level range where they would have no chance in hell at defending themselves lol
i mean i wouldnt want some lvl 20 person attacking me while im online but if someone thats like lvl 15 or in a reasonable range of my level attacked me while i was online and i lost i cwouldnt care.. id just see it as its my fault for my stats being to crappy to dfend myself lol... whereas at lvl 14 i dont think a lvl 14 person who has their stats where they should be at there level would still be able to have a fair chance again someone at lvl 20 (assuming they too are leveling their stats properly).
i mean i wouldnt want some lvl 20 person attacking me while im online but if someone thats like lvl 15 or in a reasonable range of my level attacked me while i was online and i lost i cwouldnt care.. id just see it as its my fault for my stats being to crappy to dfend myself lol... whereas at lvl 14 i dont think a lvl 14 person who has their stats where they should be at there level would still be able to have a fair chance again someone at lvl 20 (assuming they too are leveling their stats properly).
2008.Jan.02, 12:38 PM
But seriously, why does hosping take the same amount of energy as a mugging or simple attack?
2008.Jan.02, 01:19 PM
thrillhouse Wrote:But seriously, why does hosping take the same amount of energy as a mugging or simple attack?
the "penalty" for hospitalizing is no XP. I think that's plenty.
2008.Jan.02, 01:35 PM
I really like the idea about a riot district. I also agree that there should be some sort of time ie: (only certain amount of flights or trains to and from the district or something)
Also, I think there would have to be some sort of level system in place, but I also see that as a problem for the higher levels.... I think its a great idea, but there are a few things that need to be thought-out to really take a great idea and make it into a 'tangible' district.
Also, I think there would have to be some sort of level system in place, but I also see that as a problem for the higher levels.... I think its a great idea, but there are a few things that need to be thought-out to really take a great idea and make it into a 'tangible' district.
2008.Jan.02, 02:10 PM
mtngti Wrote:thrillhouse Wrote:But seriously, why does hosping take the same amount of energy as a mugging or simple attack?
the "penalty" for hospitalizing is no XP. I think that's plenty.
Ok, as long as YOU think it's plenty, that's good enough for me....what do you do for a living again? :roll:
2008.Jan.02, 02:15 PM
thrillhouse Wrote:Ok, as long as YOU think it's plenty, that's good enough for me....what do you do for a living again? :roll:
I work in an office. No, we're not hiring.
2008.Jan.02, 02:22 PM
If you think there should be level caps on who you should attack why not districts with level caps. These districts wouldn't have anything available to buy just a district for strictlly level 5-10, and another 11-16, 17-22... etc. And then another warring district for any levels, but have that district focused on PvP... with again nothing buyable except for say stims and nimbus.
Just an idea.

2008.Jan.02, 02:46 PM
oh and as for the comment someone made about this game being about who can train the most instead of attacking well i think that problem would be easily solved by putting attacks and training on seperate bars (maybe make a new "energy" type bar fo attacks while the normal energy bar is for training.. im willing to bet if that happened the number of attacks would increase threefold lol)
2008.Jan.02, 03:41 PM
badmanbren Wrote:If you think there should be level caps on who you should attack why not districts with level caps. These districts wouldn't have anything available to buy just a district for strictlly level 5-10, and another 11-16, 17-22... etc. And then another warring district for any levels, but have that district focused on PvP... with again nothing buyable except for say stims and nimbus.Just an idea.
Ummm... isnt that y u cant get into certain districts until u hit a certain lvl??? :roll: