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I'm loving the prices so far

Item Price Links
Ghoulache $100,000 Info | Buy
Ghoulache $500,000 Info | Buy
Ghoulache $1,000,000 Info | Buy

I would probably pay 25,000 per.
8) I got a whopping 8 lol


i got 6 of them, just waiting to see the outcome of all those selling thiers lol lol


Ghoulache $100,000 Info | Buy
Ghoulache $500,000 Info | Buy
Ghoulache $1,000,000 Info | Buy

Insane.They are not worth that much.Good luck if you sell any at those prices.
Full energy credit refresh - 100 credits

$250 x 100

Worth about $25000
well figure 220 credits per energy refresh and even more if its past your tenth one, then if you are a high level figure 4 nimbus or so....they might be a little high, but in a hosp war you could really use them nicely!!

just checked my donation house link and with 3 energy for me its 242 credits to hit the higher the level the more you benefit from goulache
I got left out cause I didn't waste enough energy on ghouls while leveling... Oh well. even though I killed ghouls I guess it wasn't enough to make a batch...

but thanks for the coding this for other people zen, I still applaud your efforts!


I only got 13 of them, and they are all in storage where they shall stay. I dont plan to use them, or sell them at this point. I'm an investor! lol


I made a table with how many Ghoulaches ppl would get, and 21 of them would go to TheGibson.
Those prices r insane, if they r somewhere around 22-25K they'll be sold I think.
Thanks admin monster. Razz
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