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Full Version: Goulache
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nah the ghoulache refill energy. thats like credit refreshes.
i second that
Or just monday and tuesday.
Now available in the Industrial District.


it should have been posted that not every one can use it,,,i just wasted cash on that trip..


it did say that not everyone can get it lol
Ghoulache is awarded to those valiant ghoul hunters who were suseptible to a bug. Ghoulache, made from the remains of slain ghouls, has a special property to restore one's health to full and completely revitalize their energy.

Not everyone has access to ghoulache. To qualify you must have participated in the first 3 ghoul hunt contest and attacked more than 12 ghouls for the first three contests combined. Ghoulache is awarded based on half total energy refreshes used during these contests plus one-twelth the total attacks made. This total is rounded to the nearest whole number.
Its for sale. Let me know if you want some.


yes it does say it,after you spend money to get to that district....its for sale?how much are they?
they are not for sale, except thru me. Wink
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