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Full Version: Goulache
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Ushanewnewba Wrote:how long does it take to make this drek?
She is using withcraft to make, I bet she keeps saying the spell wrong making frogs pop out of the cauldron insted of ghoulache.
Thanks for the 10-43!!


? :? :shock: Evil
DirkDanja Wrote:
thatthingufear Wrote:She is using withcraft to make, I bet she keeps saying the spell wrong making frogs pop out of the cauldron insted of ghoulache.

what is withcraft? :?

lmfao :roll:
Howlsong Wrote:
DirkDanja Wrote:what is withcraft? :?

lmfao :roll:
there you have some
Any of this been sent out?


not to me


Not yet that I'm aware of. I asked Zenith a few days ago when it was going to be given out and she said not until she had released all of the items to the contest winners.
Items were delayed due to real-world events, my apologies. The ghoulache will be released prior to any gym-day.
How about 3 gym days in a row and you don't have to worry about the ghoulache. :wink: :wink: :wink:
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