Arrogant, correct. Not always right, yeah. But I'm pretty right in this topic, and about you and your group of friends, save a select few.
Again, grow up. Get on topic. Talk about the situation so people can argue against you like they've done me for a while, now.
PhisheVA Wrote:Whats harrasment to one player (or admin) may not be to another.
These are the wisest words in this thread.
Sender : CornerstoreJunkie [3529] online Date : 26 October 08 @ 12:23:27 pm Subject : According to your logic
My random hosping of online players is fair game and no rules say anything can be done about it.
Fair enough.
But you say repeated hospitalizations are against the "spirit of the game" a subjective code apparently only you understand. At what point are hosps repeating enough that its a problem? Once a day? 4 a day? 10 a day? Maybe you should tell SG that he is violating the spirit of the game by repeatedly hosping me online. Make sure you tell Zen too, she loves it when people interpret her rules for her and tell her what to do.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:It doesn't. But hospitalizing random people constantly without just reason is harassment, and is against the rules.
I wish people that like to twist words and try to meld my thoughts into their own agenda would go away and sew their mouths shut with razor wire or something..

I wish he could come on here and talk his logic so others can argue against his point, rather than mine and Shadowguard's eyes get contaminated by his dribble..I'm getting tired of him. Plotting on ignoring his messages completely. It's tiresome that he thinks I put down something I didn't.
stop trying to make up the rules. this is zen's game...not yours
Playajam. Open your eyes. Being asleep for the whole conversation doesn't help your argument.

I feel harassed by the star next to threads about hosping every time i log in to the forums :!: