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Anybody know any diplomatic relations that should be addressed against random online hospitalizations?
Lets talk dumb, here. I don't know exactly what you're asking.


Im asking here if theres anything that can be done against random hospitalizations?
Nope. As long as they aren't doing it consistently, then there's nothing wrong with it.

You could always return the favor? Attack their gang back and smash their face.
BL00DYHAZ3 Wrote:Im asking here if theres anything that can be done against random hospitalizations?

You need a big brother... other than that train your ars off and pay them back later
If you are too weak then ask a higher level player to help you out on the matter.
Maybe Zenith and Err will lay the hammer down on these people for harassment, now that it's being publicly verbalized.


BL00DYHAZ3 Wrote:Anybody know any diplomatic relations that should be addressed against random online hospitalizations?

are we talking about the same person from my earlier post, or someone else?


Where in the rules did it state that hospitalizing online players was a violation of said rules
It doesn't. But hospitalizing random people constantly without just reason is harassment, and is against the rules.
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