Some folks found it was a buggy contest from the start..Doesn't mean they deserve to get reimbursed for their loss..It doesn't mean that the winners should get something extra ordinary, either..The true contest should begin tomorrow, since it is Halloween..
I was under the impression it started today at 2:30 pm 8)
You know its a wonder Zen holds any contests at all. So there was a bug... yeah it sux... but i'm glad she does this stuff. Just once I'd like to see everyone agree and thank her for the effort!!
Thank You Zenny!!!

Transformers episode 33 rocks!
Howlsong Wrote:You know its a wonder Zen holds any contests at all. So there was a bug... yeah it sux... but i'm glad she does this stuff. Just once I'd like to see everyone agree and thank her for the effort!!
Thank You Zenny!!! 
i know you are all complaining on "how much money i spent and loss" but how much did you really spend. i know how much the gang mates who won spent they did not get off easy at all like whoa wnet through almost 200 nimbus bars plus credit refreshes and stims
Nimbus, Stims, Bio-Plex, Different Weapons == close to 500k Spend. Not counting energy lost.
I am certain that many other have spend similar amount, if not more!
Even if you spent a million to win your still ahead since all unique items have sold for well over a million. For those that lost to bad. If you couldn't afford it you should not have partaken in the event.
I spent atleast 800k i dont want it back yes there was a bug but that is bound to happen but again i dont want the 800k back