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I like them all. I think anything new will be better than the same old same old... Nice work guys, keep 'em coming!
[Image: ALBanner1.jpg]
[Image: 16623985ft6.jpg]

[Image: 72316223tz3.jpg]

[Image: 19342055cu8.jpg]
[Image: 37193145cn3.jpg]


JohnnyB Wrote:[Image: 61766853xx9.jpg]

Nice job J0hnny! very nice pic!

Good job everyone! keep goinggggg lol


can someone please add some lines??

it may be good...
Here's what I was able to think of.

Keep it off the forums.

Second best text based game. "Almost everyone says best. So say something different and your more likely to get noticed."

2 admins, 10 mods, 1,000's of players.

The battle for the city has begun.

Good work guys. You blow my crappy image away!
moriaty will beat you all Razz
Nice LikeWhoa...but only guns???....a nice and sharp Katana...wil be Like....Whoa... Biggrin
McCule Wrote:Awakened Lands-"Addicting citizens of the Earth one person at a time"

I like this as a slogan Smile
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