2131 -BAD- SoaresDuarte 24 154 Hospitalized by Conrad.
17993 ~X~ AdminsHateXPhamily 17 141 Hospitalized by Conrad.
11815 -BAD- thedeathcab 28 127 Hospitalized by Conrad.
24153 -BAD- DOMB 24 118 Hospitalized by Conrad.
19939 -BAD- ReluctantDreamer 18 115 Hospitalized by Conrad.
1442 -BAD- Kryptkeeper 28 83 Hospitalized by Conrad.
:? :shock: :roll:
JaySin Wrote:2131 -BAD- SoaresDuarte 24 154 Hospitalized by Conrad.
17993 ~X~ AdminsHateXPhamily 17 141 Hospitalized by Conrad.
11815 -BAD- thedeathcab 28 127 Hospitalized by Conrad.
24153 -BAD- DOMB 24 118 Hospitalized by Conrad.
19939 -BAD- ReluctantDreamer 18 115 Hospitalized by Conrad.
1442 -BAD- Kryptkeeper 28 83 Hospitalized by Conrad.
:? :shock: :roll:
sour lo*er
just lost a war
Later Conrad, I never liked you but I don't think you should have been fed'd for hosp'ing people.
why not
if the others got hosped for this
rules allpy the same to all
Lucky666 Wrote:JaySin Wrote:2131 -BAD- SoaresDuarte 24 154 Hospitalized by Conrad.
17993 ~X~ AdminsHateXPhamily 17 141 Hospitalized by Conrad.
11815 -BAD- thedeathcab 28 127 Hospitalized by Conrad.
24153 -BAD- DOMB 24 118 Hospitalized by Conrad.
19939 -BAD- ReluctantDreamer 18 115 Hospitalized by Conrad.
1442 -BAD- Kryptkeeper 28 83 Hospitalized by Conrad.
:? :shock: :roll:
sour lo*er
just lost a war
At least he had a reason.I remember when the mutthas had the "come knocking at our door and expect old school rules" in their profile.Icing and SS along with the rest,stuck to that.After a war they would hosp anyone who hit them.Know your family history before judging.
who sais i don't know the history??? but i wasn't in the familly at that time and Icing and SS aren't here anymore. plus i didn't say he didn't have a reason, i actually mabe his reason known to the comunity. i made him a favor
Jaysin quit your bitchin and shut up.
thatthingufear Wrote:Jaysin quit your bitchin and shut up.
i agree ,please go to sleep jaysin