Lucky666 Wrote:JaySin Wrote:2131 -BAD- SoaresDuarte 24 154 Hospitalized by Conrad.
17993 ~X~ AdminsHateXPhamily 17 141 Hospitalized by Conrad.
11815 -BAD- thedeathcab 28 127 Hospitalized by Conrad.
24153 -BAD- DOMB 24 118 Hospitalized by Conrad.
19939 -BAD- ReluctantDreamer 18 115 Hospitalized by Conrad.
1442 -BAD- Kryptkeeper 28 83 Hospitalized by Conrad.
:? :shock: :roll:
sour lo*er
just lost a war
do you mean bad muthas won a war? :shock:
Yea suprising as it is Mutha's won one but now remember we jumpoed in on one so it really dosent count. i understand Conrad felt he had a reason no fault there but he didnt scream when his guys got hosp as well it is all part of the game.... justified or not it is what it is. He wasnt wrong or out of line by the rules so no harm no foul game continues.
awesomo Wrote:Lucky666 Wrote:JaySin Wrote:2131 -BAD- SoaresDuarte 24 154 Hospitalized by Conrad.
17993 ~X~ AdminsHateXPhamily 17 141 Hospitalized by Conrad.
11815 -BAD- thedeathcab 28 127 Hospitalized by Conrad.
24153 -BAD- DOMB 24 118 Hospitalized by Conrad.
19939 -BAD- ReluctantDreamer 18 115 Hospitalized by Conrad.
1442 -BAD- Kryptkeeper 28 83 Hospitalized by Conrad.
:? :shock: :roll:
sour lo*er
just lost a war
do you mean bad muthas won a war? :shock:
ha ha ha
that's funny.......
just complain maybe he will get banned a perfect favor for everybody
drec92 Wrote:just complain maybe he will get banned a perfect favor for everybody
Dont be silly... connie's funny! :roll: :wink:
yea he is kinda funny. wasnt trying to rip on Conrad just tryin to prove a point but its w/e anymore

What gang you going to next JaySin?
idk i was thinkin i would fuck your mom and steal her credit card and donate my way into a nice 20 slot of my own just to blow it all by leaving and joining a no name gang then beg for my spot back in Diss and hope you dont hate me for giving you a brother.
this is all me joking bro and i know i seem like a gang hopper but come on bro for real gimme a break.
That was awesome.
I am just farking around with ya!