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Full Version: Hurry up and ban this guy too
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Terrifying. I was not on for 50 days after I signed up. This is a pissing contest, right?
ooo are we peeing "unzips and lets loose'' uuuhhhhhh "hey i wrote my name"


who wants some yellow snow? Twisted


DirkDanja Wrote:who wants some yellow snow? Twisted

Naaa lets how red snow.


what the "drek" happened to this game?


all about the benji's
jiggaj Wrote:what the "drek" happened to this game?


all about the benji's

Funny you just posted this, I was just starting to think about it. This game has had a lot of changes in the last year that i have been player. And i not to sure i like them all. At least if i but my twenty in slot machine their is chance of getting something in returned. Here i need to donate Hundreds of dollars just to be able to compete. And on top of that is seems the number of active players is going down weekly.


You dont have to donate shit to be competitive and from what i've seem the number of active players has gone up
the ones who cant cut it are the ones that should leave
I haven't donated more then 150 bucks and i feel i can compete with over half the players my lvl although there are some who are just insanely strong lvl 22-24 players
and thats my take on the situation
lrrltt Wrote:Here i need to donate Hundreds of dollars just to be able to compete. And on top of that is seems the number of active players is going down weekly.

you have to doante alot to be competitive because other donated, and other do it as well, a lot to be in the tops. and now if you want to reach there, you have to donate a lot. if they wouldnt have donated that much, you would not have to donate so much today. that's how i see it
You just cant be competitive with people who drop 2 grand in a few months. The gap is insane. But money makes the world go round. I put it this way, "The game is free to experience. Not free to play"
Well..It is free to play. I think Moriarty said he hasn't donated to the game?
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