Lucky666 Wrote:first of all just because i use the term dosage now dosn't mean i didn't try them(just means i read more than most ppl my age do)
second i know many people that use meth(it's one of the drugs that's becomeing more and more popular(mabe cause it's easy to make))
third i've seen people dying of overdose(and i'm not talking school videos and that cr*p) and it's not a preatty sight
and third the first experience is the best(people explain it diffrent some eaven saingy they saw god) but afterwards nobody get's that back
and they try again and again to no avail
ookay. again, dosage is not a word thats used in any circle i have ever been around. that sounds like a word a cop or a narc or some dumb f*ck who listens to govt adds would say.
so youve seen people overdose, dont use that as a status symbol. you are hanging out with some pretty messed up people if your seeing people OD.
"about 65% of the people that try meth usually get hooked on the spot
20% get hooked on the 2nd or 3rd use and less than 10% can actually take meth more than 4-5 times without getting hooked(and that with preaty big time intervals of times between dosage)"
if you are as knowledgeable as you say you are then you know that is completely bullsh*t. that is 100% govt propaganda bullsh*t.
ok ok ok, you're all druggies, we get it

buuddha Wrote:Lucky666 Wrote:first of all just because i use the term dosage now dosn't mean i didn't try them(just means i read more than most ppl my age do)
second i know many people that use meth(it's one of the drugs that's becomeing more and more popular(mabe cause it's easy to make))
third i've seen people dying of overdose(and i'm not talking school videos and that cr*p) and it's not a preatty sight
and third the first experience is the best(people explain it diffrent some eaven saingy they saw god) but afterwards nobody get's that back
and they try again and again to no avail
ookay. again, dosage is not a word thats used in any circle i have ever been around. that sounds like a word a cop or a narc or some dumb f*ck who listens to govt adds would say.
so youve seen people overdose, dont use that as a status symbol. you are hanging out with some pretty messed up people if your seeing people OD.
"about 65% of the people that try meth usually get hooked on the spot
20% get hooked on the 2nd or 3rd use and less than 10% can actually take meth more than 4-5 times without getting hooked(and that with preaty big time intervals of times between dosage)"
if you are as knowledgeable as you say you are then you know that is completely bullsh*t. that is 100% govt propaganda bullsh*t.
i don't give sh*t about the gov or the cops
and if i sound like a cop you sound like a paranoid hippy
it might be propaganda but i really dobt they need to lie about that