BigRedRaper Wrote:i dont think thats it CrazyKid because when level 30 attack me i deal no damage especially people from Valhalla or SV they attack me i do no damage BBH i was shocked i dealed damage i laughed my arse off actually rather funny
ya my stats are stacked and i can beat level 20's but level 34 is really frag high he should be able to hops me in 5 rounds..
Valhalla and SV's most defo have 7 GCB. BBH has 0 you must have 1 atleast
it dont matter anyways i know when i get hosped by proper lvl 30's i get my ass thrown around like a ragdoll and end up doing the funky chicken after
maybe he dotn have his stuff equipped idc.
Dingus Wrote:Think i'll give deathclick a go
Don't waste you EP. Your just lose. :oops: :oops: :oops:
lol Dingus i would be happy to fight ya but the bed sores from the Hospital bed are getting a little intense LOL
Why is BBH attacking DEaThCLiCk when all this guy is doing is pointing out facts.I don't get it.
thats what i told him i didnt even Disrespect you its the Truth in my eyes in my stay with him in Valhalla the Truth hurts i guess
biffbaffboff Wrote:Why is BBH attacking DEaThCLiCk when all this guy is doing is pointing out facts.I don't get it.
Maybe you should step in.
Congrats to dissidence on getting to 100k! Good job guys.
In other news, Iceman (BBH) still sucks.
biffbaffboff Wrote:Why is BBH attacking DEaThCLiCk when all this guy is doing is pointing out facts.I don't get it.
Because perhaps they aren't facts? Even delpot, the person who I argue with most, eluded to that. I don't really care about gym rats either as the trick to this game is balancing leveling with training, but I was up top the gym rats much more often either way.
You hit me 1 time each fight Deathclick, that's typical of the hosp formula. Hell, I did a hosp on pun once and dished out 500 dmg AFTER resistance, a hosp, not zerk. I even hit him for 1200 dmg on a zerk when he was fully equipped. Sadly that was 300 less than when I zerk'd him and he was unequipped.
XxDragonxX Wrote:biffbaffboff Wrote:Why is BBH attacking DEaThCLiCk when all this guy is doing is pointing out facts.I don't get it.
Maybe you should step in.
Of course. Seems BBH cant take a little facts.How many player's have slagged me on the forums,yet I don't get all pissy about it.Forums are just that,to express yourself.I try to keep forum drek out of game play.