delpot Wrote:TommiTheTaco Wrote:Delpot..What have we failed at?
we have not failed. so what if a few of us spend some time in the hosp. if it means SV has to spend a single AL dollar for a stim...a nimbus, a credit means we won.
we are the gnat on their ear. we are pestering them. and dont be fooled...they hate it.
i feel that our minimal sacrifce as a community is worth their ultimate financial collapse...which is clearly eminent.
notice how the gang backups are getting more beating people i wasnt touching a day ago...they are weakening.
lets face it...the sv era is over. and its all praise to dis for stepping up to them.
the entire AL community needs to realize this. sv is a sham. a bunch of high ranking players with way too much time on their hands who like to throw around their wit and sarcasm.
they are too cocky for their own good.
so if this revolt ends them? awesome.
if it does nothing but causes them to spend a little more effor on warting us off? fine.
thats the beauty of it. we win regardless. sv may and will most likely walk away from this no different than they were before...but worst case scenerio at least we miffed them off for a bit.
we actualy don't care ROFL
i for one have a job, so how do i have too much time?
the hospital last night looked like you was beating us :shock:
come and have a go if you think your hard enough

Uh...? Really, man. You need to quit typing and read a book or something..That should stimulate something in your brain that can help you contribute to common sense and structural thinking, rather than busting a mouth full of crap all over the place and making a perfectly good topic smell bad..
You're dismissed. Remove yourself from the topic until you can make a standing argument, thank you.
delpot Wrote:Mosqtark Wrote:Quote:no no no...what im ACTUALLY trying to say is that you are complete douchenozzle.
you must have misunderstood me.
dude your a total disgrace for your level. I could pummel you any day of the week... in fact, looking at todays log, I have. hehehe what a loooser. you havent.
you see people, now they are just lying. pathetic. you havent even hit me once. i just went through my defense log and didnt find you in it.
people sv now hires liars in addition to dorks.
hehehe, your right I was the grinch from dis. that I hit. So I do stand corrected. However when I click on your name I can see that it has been a long time since we have fought since I passed you up back in the summer when we werent part of sv. So still a disgrace to your level. If you would like to prove yourself I would happy to go a round or two to conclude this.
awesomo Wrote:delpot Wrote:TommiTheTaco Wrote:Delpot..What have we failed at?
we have not failed. so what if a few of us spend some time in the hosp. if it means SV has to spend a single AL dollar for a stim...a nimbus, a credit means we won.
we are the gnat on their ear. we are pestering them. and dont be fooled...they hate it.
i feel that our minimal sacrifce as a community is worth their ultimate financial collapse...which is clearly eminent.
notice how the gang backups are getting more beating people i wasnt touching a day ago...they are weakening.
lets face it...the sv era is over. and its all praise to dis for stepping up to them.
the entire AL community needs to realize this. sv is a sham. a bunch of high ranking players with way too much time on their hands who like to throw around their wit and sarcasm.
they are too cocky for their own good.
so if this revolt ends them? awesome.
if it does nothing but causes them to spend a little more effor on warting us off? fine.
thats the beauty of it. we win regardless. sv may and will most likely walk away from this no different than they were before...but worst case scenerio at least we miffed them off for a bit.
we actualy don't care ROFL
i for one have a job, so how do i have too much time?
the hospital last night looked like you was beating us :shock:
come and have a go if you think your hard enough 
you dont care? cool. id like to career and skill now kthxk bye.
but be forewanred....if i get hosped again you officially care.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Uh...? Really, man. You need to quit typing and read a book or something..That should stimulate something in your brain that can help you contribute to common sense and structural thinking, rather than busting a mouth full of drek all over the place and making a perfectly good topic smell bad..
You're dismissed. Remove yourself from the topic until you can make a standing argument, thank you.
Mosqtark. That is for you. Awesomo's just being goofy and trying to be tough..You're being utterly retarded and dropping the IQ's of minds that aren't expecting such stupidity..
Mosqtark Wrote:delpot Wrote:Mosqtark Wrote:Quote:no no no...what im ACTUALLY trying to say is that you are complete douchenozzle.
you must have misunderstood me.
dude your a total disgrace for your level. I could pummel you any day of the week... in fact, looking at todays log, I have. hehehe what a loooser. you havent.
you see people, now they are just lying. pathetic. you havent even hit me once. i just went through my defense log and didnt find you in it.
people sv now hires liars in addition to dorks.
hehehe, your right I was the grinch from dis. that I hit. So I do stand corrected. However when I click on your name I can see that it has been a long time since we have fought since I passed you up back in the summer when we werent part of sv. So still a disgrace to your level. If you would like to prove yourself I would happy to go a round or two to conclude this.
k! send me 15 stims and call off your wolves and ill bring it. leave. mano e mano.
ive improved much since the summer for the record.
im not stimming out just to fight some newb who thinks they can take me.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:TommiTheTaco Wrote:Uh...? Really, man. You need to quit typing and read a book or something..That should stimulate something in your brain that can help you contribute to common sense and structural thinking, rather than busting a mouth full of drek all over the place and making a perfectly good topic smell bad..
You're dismissed. Remove yourself from the topic until you can make a standing argument, thank you.
Mosqtark. That is for you. Awesomo's just being goofy and trying to be tough..You're being utterly retarded and dropping the IQ's of minds that aren't expecting such stupidity..
Like your iq even registers there pally. please spare me the nickle. hehehhe
Hehehhe. <=== Okay, Weasel. G.E.D.'s callin' your name, 'pally'. 'Good Enough Diploma' is about all you're good for, and even then it's over your head..
delpot Wrote:Mosqtark Wrote:delpot Wrote:Mosqtark Wrote:Quote:no no no...what im ACTUALLY trying to say is that you are complete douchenozzle.
you must have misunderstood me.
dude your a total disgrace for your level. I could pummel you any day of the week... in fact, looking at todays log, I have. hehehe what a loooser. you havent.
you see people, now they are just lying. pathetic. you havent even hit me once. i just went through my defense log and didnt find you in it.
people sv now hires liars in addition to dorks.
hehehe, your right I was the grinch from dis. that I hit. So I do stand corrected. However when I click on your name I can see that it has been a long time since we have fought since I passed you up back in the summer when we werent part of sv. So still a disgrace to your level. If you would like to prove yourself I would happy to go a round or two to conclude this.
k! send me 15 stims and call off your wolves and ill bring it. leave. mano e mano.
ive improved much since the summer for the record.
im not stimming out just to fight some newb who thinks they can take me.
You stim yourself out there bub, you got yourself in there. if you could hold your own you wouldnt be in a hospital. so accept your failure stim out and meet me in disclosed area. just send me mail where you want to meet. Yeah I challenge you so are you to it. or are you scared.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Hehehhe. <=== Okay, Weasel. G.E.D.'s callin' your name, 'pally'. 'Good Enough Diploma' is about all you're good for, and even then it's over your head..
wow you must be edumakated. ehhh idiot. hehehe