MrHyde Wrote:Just want to take this time to thank diss, val and dis II aka x-pats for this cool xmas pressie. Good to have a fun filled war from time to time to get the old cobwebs out of the gun. Mixes it up from just clicking a botton every 30 mins or so. Plz ush dont stop posting always love reading your far fetched posts, what an imagination, you missed your calling.
he's right ush, you should be a
10:26 am Marlow hospitalized you.
Looks lie Mr. Fecee did not like the true statement coming his way on page five. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like I stated before too bad that Diss allowed a Diss II gang to be named. I still won't look down on Diss no matter how bad "Ph fecee iva" screws all this up like always.
Just and observation.
Has anyone noticed that DD is Void of Sv and VS , exception of 2 or 3 low lvls players offline.
They can run...but they cannot hide!
ShadowKid Wrote:No not really.
Shadow I did say with the exception of a few low lvl players.
Merry Christmas. Want an early Christmas present?