2008.Dec.25, 03:54 AM
2008.Dec.25, 05:36 AM
Merry christmas SV'S
5757 SV Vagabond 35 338 Hospitalized by Rafal.
17167 SV Ronin 39 295 Hospitalized by Rafal.
20641 SV Tess 25 186 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 185 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 126 Hospitalized by Rafal.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 116 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 116 Hospitalized by Druchii.
18298 SV EggNoggin 26 115 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 110 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 101 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 101 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 100 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 84 Hospitalized by Druchii.
5757 SV Vagabond 35 338 Hospitalized by Rafal.
17167 SV Ronin 39 295 Hospitalized by Rafal.
20641 SV Tess 25 186 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 185 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 126 Hospitalized by Rafal.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 116 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 116 Hospitalized by Druchii.
18298 SV EggNoggin 26 115 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 110 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 101 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 101 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 100 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 84 Hospitalized by Druchii.
2008.Dec.25, 05:43 AM
5757 SV Vagabond 35 323 Hospitalized by Rafal.
17167 SV Ronin 39 280 Hospitalized by Rafal.
5916 SV icicle 36 277 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
20641 SV Tess 25 171 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
3194 ^V^ Frosty 31 155 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 154 Hospitalized by Druchii.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 154 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8377 }DIS{ MrMankey 32 138 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
7338 SV Bullseye 27 124 Hospitalized by Druchii.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 111 Hospitalized by Rafal.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 101 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 101 Hospitalized by Druchii.
18298 SV EggNoggin 26 100 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
15151 VS ColonelIngus 24 99 Hospitalized by Thorzten.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 95 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 86 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 86 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 85 Hospitalized by Druchii.
4341 SV BishopsGayReindeer 40 81 Hospitalized by Rafal.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 70 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 69 Hospitalized by Druchii.
5757 SV Vagabond 35 323 Hospitalized by Rafal.
17167 SV Ronin 39 280 Hospitalized by Rafal.
5916 SV icicle 36 277 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
20641 SV Tess 25 171 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
3194 ^V^ Frosty 31 155 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 154 Hospitalized by Druchii.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 154 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8377 }DIS{ MrMankey 32 138 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
7338 SV Bullseye 27 124 Hospitalized by Druchii.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 111 Hospitalized by Rafal.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 101 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 101 Hospitalized by Druchii.
18298 SV EggNoggin 26 100 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
15151 VS ColonelIngus 24 99 Hospitalized by Thorzten.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 95 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 86 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 86 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 85 Hospitalized by Druchii.
4341 SV BishopsGayReindeer 40 81 Hospitalized by Rafal.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 70 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 69 Hospitalized by Druchii.
2008.Dec.25, 06:21 AM
ID Name Level Minutes Reason
5757 SV Vagabond 35 283 Hospitalized by Rafal.
17167 SV Ronin 39 240 Hospitalized by Rafal.
5916 SV icicle 36 237 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
18940 SV RandomGifter 28 230 Hospitalized by Rafal.
2366 }DIS{ Druchii 42 166 Hospitalized by Hannibells.
20641 SV Tess 25 131 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 114 Hospitalized by Druchii.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 114 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8377 }DIS{ MrMankey 32 98 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
20112 VS ImInTheZoneChief 31 85 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
7338 SV Bullseye 27 84 Hospitalized by Druchii.
14827 VS Deathwing 25 80 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 71 Hospitalized by Rafal.
26800 VS Runawaytrain 11 68 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
4589 SV Hannibells 46 67 Bit off more than they could chew with Rafal.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 61 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 61 Hospitalized by Druchii.
18298 SV EggNoggin 26 60 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
15151 VS ColonelIngus 24 59 Hospitalized by Thorzten.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 55 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 46 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 46 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 45 Hospitalized by Druchii.
3194 ^V^ Frosty 31 43 Bit off more than they could chew with HappyHolyDay.
8383 }DIS{ PropositionHoHoHo 32 30 Lost in combat to FatAssNarrowChimney.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 30 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 29 Hospitalized by Druchii.
ID Name Level Minutes Reason
5757 SV Vagabond 35 283 Hospitalized by Rafal.
17167 SV Ronin 39 240 Hospitalized by Rafal.
5916 SV icicle 36 237 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
18940 SV RandomGifter 28 230 Hospitalized by Rafal.
2366 }DIS{ Druchii 42 166 Hospitalized by Hannibells.
20641 SV Tess 25 131 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 114 Hospitalized by Druchii.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 114 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8377 }DIS{ MrMankey 32 98 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
20112 VS ImInTheZoneChief 31 85 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
7338 SV Bullseye 27 84 Hospitalized by Druchii.
14827 VS Deathwing 25 80 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 71 Hospitalized by Rafal.
26800 VS Runawaytrain 11 68 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
4589 SV Hannibells 46 67 Bit off more than they could chew with Rafal.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 61 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 61 Hospitalized by Druchii.
18298 SV EggNoggin 26 60 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
15151 VS ColonelIngus 24 59 Hospitalized by Thorzten.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 55 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 46 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 46 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 45 Hospitalized by Druchii.
3194 ^V^ Frosty 31 43 Bit off more than they could chew with HappyHolyDay.
8383 }DIS{ PropositionHoHoHo 32 30 Lost in combat to FatAssNarrowChimney.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 30 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 29 Hospitalized by Druchii.
2008.Dec.25, 06:33 AM
Where has big gob moriarty gone?
ID Name Level Minutes Reason
5757 SV Vagabond 35 273 Hospitalized by Rafal.
17167 SV Ronin 39 230 Hospitalized by Rafal.
5916 SV icicle 36 227 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
23532 VS Clem 15 223 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
18940 SV RandomGifter 28 220 Hospitalized by Rafal.
3194 ^V^ Frosty 31 219 Hospitalized by Merryarty.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 181 Hospitalized by Rafal.
2366 }DIS{ Druchii 42 156 Hospitalized by Hannibells.
20641 SV Tess 25 121 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 104 Hospitalized by Druchii.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 104 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8377 }DIS{ MrMankey 32 88 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
20112 VS ImInTheZoneChief 31 75 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
7338 SV Bullseye 27 74 Hospitalized by Druchii.
2693 }DIS{ Rafal 60 74 Bit off more than they could chew with TheNutCracker.
14827 VS Deathwing 25 70 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
26800 VS Runawaytrain 11 58 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
4589 SV Hannibells 46 57 Bit off more than they could chew with Rafal.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 51 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 51 Hospitalized by Druchii.
18298 SV EggNoggin 26 50 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
15151 VS ColonelIngus 24 49 Hospitalized by Thorzten.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 45 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 36 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 36 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 35 Hospitalized by Druchii.
3566 Jenkem 24 25 Lost in combat to VVeathers.
5202 NikoBellic 23 24 Lost in combat to VVeathers.
1745 Hawk187 31 23 Lost in combat to TheGeneral.
8383 }DIS{ PropositionHoHoHo 32 20 Lost in combat to FatAssNarrowChimney.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 20 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 19 Hospitalized by Druchii.
ID Name Level Minutes Reason
5757 SV Vagabond 35 273 Hospitalized by Rafal.
17167 SV Ronin 39 230 Hospitalized by Rafal.
5916 SV icicle 36 227 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
23532 VS Clem 15 223 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
18940 SV RandomGifter 28 220 Hospitalized by Rafal.
3194 ^V^ Frosty 31 219 Hospitalized by Merryarty.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 181 Hospitalized by Rafal.
2366 }DIS{ Druchii 42 156 Hospitalized by Hannibells.
20641 SV Tess 25 121 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 104 Hospitalized by Druchii.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 104 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8377 }DIS{ MrMankey 32 88 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
20112 VS ImInTheZoneChief 31 75 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
7338 SV Bullseye 27 74 Hospitalized by Druchii.
2693 }DIS{ Rafal 60 74 Bit off more than they could chew with TheNutCracker.
14827 VS Deathwing 25 70 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
26800 VS Runawaytrain 11 58 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
4589 SV Hannibells 46 57 Bit off more than they could chew with Rafal.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 51 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 51 Hospitalized by Druchii.
18298 SV EggNoggin 26 50 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
15151 VS ColonelIngus 24 49 Hospitalized by Thorzten.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 45 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 36 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 36 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 35 Hospitalized by Druchii.
3566 Jenkem 24 25 Lost in combat to VVeathers.
5202 NikoBellic 23 24 Lost in combat to VVeathers.
1745 Hawk187 31 23 Lost in combat to TheGeneral.
8383 }DIS{ PropositionHoHoHo 32 20 Lost in combat to FatAssNarrowChimney.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 20 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 19 Hospitalized by Druchii.
2008.Dec.25, 06:36 AM
Aww lookee there raf is famous... and I wasnt even healthy...

2008.Dec.25, 06:38 AM
Howlsong Wrote:Aww lookee there raf is famous... and I wasnt even healthy...8)
You mean like this?
Gang Members Attacked
Time Attacker Gang Member Type Result Mugged
December 25, 2008, 6:07:34 am Hannibells Rafal overpowered loss $0
December 25, 2008, 6:03:27 am TheNutCracker Rafal overpowered loss $0
December 25, 2008, 5:59:45 am TheNutCracker Rafal overpowered loss $0
2008.Dec.25, 06:51 AM
Yeah but i'm not in the hosp and i'm 9 lvls below him... that has got to hurt the old ego... don't u think?
2008.Dec.25, 07:03 AM
Howlsong Wrote:Yeah but i'm not in the hosp and i'm 9 lvls below him... that has got to hurt the old ego... don't u think?
No.You won't get sympathy from me

2008.Dec.25, 07:07 AM
Howlsong Wrote:Yeah but i'm not in the hosp and i'm 9 lvls below him... that has got to hurt the old ego... don't u think?
I love when people say this- there's a good reason he's 9 lvls above you, and that's that he hasn't been training for months on end to reach that. You powerlevel to 60 and see how far ahead he is.
People, if someone's extremely high in lv- it's normally at cost to stats, not benefit. And before you add 'well, puns 60 and has high stats'- pun also has the second highest end in the game, bought at high cost. Raf's done it on a budget of $5.
So, congrats to you howl