I have a suspicion that the end bonus is more based on total end dev points than actual 'level' You can see a small, but noticeable difference while going between the higher levels (i.e. 1/2 way through the 2000 point climb from 19-20).
Also the impact of end seems relative to the current housing level. 5 level difference in a Midlan villa appears to be greater than a 5 level difference with both players in a House. (i.e. something like Train = EP * Happiness factor * Endurance Factor * Random factor* Trainer Factor * Something else?)
If you think the factors add instead of multiply, try training with 0 happiness

The reason why higher level see a better training result is due to the amount of energy you can train at one time.
If some of the lower level end player can confirm this again, it would be great.
A test would be this simple.
Train 1 energy @ 5 endurance.
Train 1 energy @ 6 endurance.
Keep going until u hit to 20 endurance.
From my experience, each increase in endurance is about .01 to .02 dev pt per energy increase in gym train.
By the way, I got my first piece of borg implant when I hit around level 31. Never regretted it. And, only the top brand one are worth it.
ZeonOne Wrote:The reason why higher level see a better training result is due to the amount of energy you can train at one time.
If some of the lower level end player can confirm this again, it would be great.
A test would be this simple.
Train 1 energy @ 5 endurance.
Train 1 energy @ 6 endurance.
Keep going until u hit to 20 endurance.
<--- It's a dirty job but someones gotta do it, I'll volunteer my body in the name of science.....whose passing out the credits to get me from 5 end to 20 end?

In the name of science of course !!
imo its total dev pts not level that matters
level only matters in enc rate..and yes end figures in that formula also
yep thats why i stated before im stayin in a Ranch with 10 End give me Good Gym Bonus.... i would actually only Use Creds For End/Int or Donor Days if Needed Refresh Happiness if it gets to low thats about it i dont use it for EP refresh thats a waste in my eyes
Energy Refresh is for the people who are not Patient LOL and Rich
lol im a level 27 and got like 12 borgs still manage to keep my humanity over 5 tho, never let it under 5.
lvl 43 no Borgs, no plans on getting any either, like 20 days from having a 16 humanity, my refresh rate is to valuable to me for training and healing
Refresh rate is null and void if you use creds to regenerate
my credits go for endurance and on the market to make extra money, no use in wasting them on training, but thats the way i see it, i look at long term progress, not the short term