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OK so now, i consentrate on like money, to get a better hous, to use the gym, and get credits for END??
Yup. Sorry bud. Best house you can, as much end as you can. Those are what improve your gym trains and let you creep up on the stronger guys.
housing before level of housing makes more of a difference than one level of endurance....atleast thats what ive noticed..i


ok, thanks everybody for th help Smile
I think someone told me one house upgrade is equal to 3 END increse. But I might have dreamt that.
Weathers Wrote:I think someone told me one house upgrade is equal to 3 END increse. But I might have dreamt that.

100 happiness = 5 levels of endurance

one house upgrade could mean 25, 50, 100 or even more happiness
not every level of end is = imo...but i could be wrong
Punisher Wrote:not every level of end is = imo...but i could be wrong

i thought about that as gain more per endurance level as your endurance level is higher....but this must be tested by someone who wants to upgrade several levels of endurance at a time..
makes sense to say that higher worth more because of the dev points
to rank up doesn't it? I think so...
EvilDeedz Wrote:makes sense to say that higher worth more because of the dev points
to rank up doesn't it? I think so...

I think their saying that 1 end is a constant bettering thing. So say a level 60 and a level 30 have the same end. Well the end pays off better for the level 60 since their endurance can be applied to more energy.
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