maybe this isn't forum worthy but the word needs to get out... we should no longer take 3rd grade math class so lightly... LCD (lowest/least common denominator) should be a cake walk.
last time i checked... 6/8 would be converted to 3/4.
direct quotes from LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039]:
"i swear if it wasnt for you high levels sv would suck. your mid levels never do anything."
"6/8 or 2/3 of your mids cant touch me"
math nazis unite!
Or logic Nazis. He might have been saying '6/8 OR(as in another number) 2/3 of their mids can't touch me.'
Nazi has such a stigma attached to it, I prefer mathofascist.
lol so i did my math wrong once. id say this shows a lot more about you by posting this than me messing up my math once or twice.
good job man. says a lot about sv.
I am mid level for SV.... so I am very offended :roll: uless you have an upper mid level catagory :shock:
buuddha Wrote:lol so i did my math wrong once. id say this shows a lot more about you by posting this than me messing up my math once or twice.
good job man. says a lot about sv.
SHHHHHHHHHH! :shock: They're watching...-shifty eyes.-
hey man, i'm trying to keep this place classy... and a huge hi five to the mathofascist. that should definitely become a new word.
duhruffy Wrote:hey man, i'm trying to keep this place classy... and a huge hi five to the mathofascist. that should definitely become a new word.
keep this place classy?
yah this is real classy. lets take something from personal emails THAT I DIDNT EVEN SEND TO YOU and go post them on the forums. explain the class to me there?
oh and btw, i only talked to a few sv, mostly around my level, about this and it was meant to spur some friendly competition, as i never get attacked by anyone my level from sv. its always cheetah or howl or chance or someone. all i said was send someone i have a chance against and some of your gang members got all b*tt hurt and blocked me or mugged me, and some of your members took it as friendly conversation between two people and others ran to the forums.
so this is not friendly competition? i was hoping this would lead to that. also, calling out mid level players that you can't beat consistently is kinda silly. but either way, let's not get our panties in too much of a bunch... i don't want you to give me a virus, you big stud.
Did the Love Parade finally set foot in AL?