2008.Oct.26, 12:29 PM
2008.Oct.26, 12:32 PM
you guys are the bestest!!!
2008.Oct.26, 12:37 PM
mudpies Wrote:you guys are the bestest!!!
thank you from everybodys freindly awakenedlands self proclaimed police dept.
2008.Oct.26, 12:38 PM
didn't you claim to be completely neutral?
2008.Oct.26, 12:40 PM
dekarr Wrote:didn't you claim to be completely neutral?
now i would not be if i was not self proclaimed police dept, but i think just not long ago i was bought into al spot light by somebody else, have a good day and if you do not have anything nice to say take a hike before we all lock you up ,you know i would have to call the prez of al on you,lol

2008.Oct.26, 01:26 PM
Thrillhouse I will answer you to the message in hospitalizations.
3426 ~X~ MeHungy
16313 ~X~ BlackJeep
Also G2 was on your payroll too.
The above 4 have no intentions to ever interact with the community again.They all have big issue's and I don't think AL can help them.They log in hosp a few player's then wait the time out till they can sneak out with full energy to go a wrecking spree again.There is no logic other than to make game play miserable for other player's.
Spamalopian who reside's in the Xpats somehow finds it within himself to man up and say ...so what..a hosp is a hosp is a hosp.Get over it.His logic twisted by the seemingly aweinspiring actions of the above players.So I said ok lets see how you like it then.
So he will stay in the hospital for the next few weeks,because of his ignorance and Xpat outlook.
You guys really suck.Instead of trying to ruin the game for everyone why not try and integrate?We can all guess the mass mails sent out when w00k and Loki decided to quit.They took alot of player's with them.What was the plan that you guys hang around to try and bring the game down?Is it all a big plan to get even with zen?
3426 ~X~ MeHungy
16313 ~X~ BlackJeep
Also G2 was on your payroll too.
The above 4 have no intentions to ever interact with the community again.They all have big issue's and I don't think AL can help them.They log in hosp a few player's then wait the time out till they can sneak out with full energy to go a wrecking spree again.There is no logic other than to make game play miserable for other player's.
Spamalopian who reside's in the Xpats somehow finds it within himself to man up and say ...so what..a hosp is a hosp is a hosp.Get over it.His logic twisted by the seemingly aweinspiring actions of the above players.So I said ok lets see how you like it then.
So he will stay in the hospital for the next few weeks,because of his ignorance and Xpat outlook.
You guys really suck.Instead of trying to ruin the game for everyone why not try and integrate?We can all guess the mass mails sent out when w00k and Loki decided to quit.They took alot of player's with them.What was the plan that you guys hang around to try and bring the game down?Is it all a big plan to get even with zen?
2008.Oct.26, 01:28 PM
Sounds about right. it's funny, though, Biff. We're taking out everyone who has an opinion about us, yet this group of 'everyone' consists mainly of X Pats. I wonder who died and made them the 'everyone who's anyone' of AL?
2008.Oct.26, 01:30 PM
you're wrong
2008.Oct.26, 01:30 PM
Just to be clear. I'm still playing the game. Some crimes, career, skills, some gym, and some attacks.
Nobody's breaking any rules. It's the ripples in the water that make this game fun.
Nobody's breaking any rules. It's the ripples in the water that make this game fun.
2008.Oct.26, 01:42 PM
I look at it this way.I have a fair few enemies.Half would have me as one for exp cow.The other half from x family.My friends list is looking pretty nice,you know why,just like SG we try our best to look out for player's.My mail box gets full everyday with people saying nice job,thanx,you helped me out big time etc etc.
Just look at who is saying what.People don't add you as a friend without reason and my list grows everyday.So you lot can go to hell and I will continue to do what I do.As you enemy list grows the population of AL knows who is in the right and who are just cowboys with small weapons.
Just look at who is saying what.People don't add you as a friend without reason and my list grows everyday.So you lot can go to hell and I will continue to do what I do.As you enemy list grows the population of AL knows who is in the right and who are just cowboys with small weapons.