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Interesting how the talk in this thread has turned to the credit market. I too have noticed that credits have traded for higher prices since BigRod's last visit. In truth, I had imagined the price would sink and that demand would ease after it was over. This has not been the case.
I'm beginning to wonder whether or not we're just riding a bubble. But I do not doubt that if new players can't afford the larger blocks of higher-priced credits it may tend to curtail or even reverse the growth of the Awakened Lands.
If and when the bubble pops, everyone hurts.
Dingus Wrote:Its called inflation
Exactly. People want to donate less, and those who sell credits for cash want more money for credits.
That and I've noticed that over the past week the credit market has been virtually emptied a coupel times which gonna cause people to keep marking up prices.
Volume seems to be normal, but the cheaper credits are purchased more quickly than usual lately.
on the contrary - its not called inflation - inflation is when there is more money - in this case credits in the market and the value of them decreases - the fact that the price has gone up - means that there are fewer credits , ergo allowing the seller to ask for a higher price. Better stick to law where youre an expert and leave economics and trading to the slightly more intune
ergo pleas let the credits alone
the prices are perfet
by the way
anyone wants to buy some

AL's very own credit crunch
You know what if you've been around awhile u start to notice trends and tbh the cred market is not that much more expensive than it was last yr at this time... However it would be alot nicer if we had the option to put up 5 bundles of creds instead of 3... :massivegrin:
Anyone know where Obama or McCain stand on the prices of our credits going up?
McCain wants to take the credit marked and make them cheaper then tax you on them..
Obama on the other hand would like for you to buy credits as usual as long as you stay under 200k youll get a break on em
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