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playajam Wrote:oh biffy, i can't hit a lower lvl but you can hit me.
If you would care to stop getting your ass kicked for long enough I would be glad to oblige
3541 CarlWaethers 31 35 Bit off more than they could chew with Zeon.
2nd time in a row.
Let the time run down or just stim out.send me a mail when your ready. :wink:
dekarr Wrote:Canosoup Wrote:Why the frack does this happen every time the Newbie Shield is brought up? All we want to do is keep players from getting scared off at the beginning. How, in any way shape or form, is that a bad thing?
Newbie shield is just silly, good idea in principal, but turn it into a vigilante group with a ridiculous name and you have a recipe for laughter. I've seen some excerpts from the secret forum, and it was funny to me. That being said, there's nothing wrong with helping out a hosped level 2 by flooring his attacker and stimming him out.
another person without a clue... they didn't go vigilante (one did) and was since realed back in. the idea it ever went out of control was just ignorant people finding a reason to spread their stupidity... but that is just one mans opinion...
Vigilante does not mean "out of control", but interpret it in any form you wish. There is no law on newbie hospitalizations, so a group formed (albeit under zens authority **) to dish out their own form of justice. However NEWBIESHIELD is not an official part of the game. Sounds pretty vigilante to me.
** I gave them a forum to talk in. What they do with this forum they do on their own accord. I don't even read their forum.
Here is some easy to find information on the word "vigilante"
Etymology: The term vigilante is Spanish and Portuguese for "watchman" or "watcher" - so far so good
"Vigilante justice" is sometimes spurred on by the perception that criminal punishment is insufficient or nonexistent to the crime. Some people see their governments as ineffective in enforcing the law; thus, such individuals fulfill the like-minded wishes of the community. - This sounds exactly like the Newbieshield to me.
Thanks Wikipedia
- just another person without a clue.
It sounds stupid like that name is gonna put a noob hosper off hell i might even join CW just for a laugh at the newbieshield.
join us SK, it's a whole lot of fun!
Why the mocking of the protection of new players? It baffles me. We have all put countless hours into this game, why do anything that would potentially stop its growth. Attack established players at random to your hearts content by all means.
andyscho Wrote:Why the mocking of the protection of new players? It baffles me. We have all put countless hours into this game, why do anything that would potentially stop its growth. Attack established players at random to your hearts content by all means.
Exactly what I've been saying!
Dear Biff
While I'm sure in your mind hospitalizing a level 15 for having an opinion is a very brave act and matter of national security, I'm not sure your delusion that all of AL back your is accurate, I'm sure even within your own gang you don't have that support
I support biff and any other Dissident in the hospitalization of any X-Pats/Factor member.
i hear dissidence members refer to taco as "behemouth" behind his back.
hahahahha. your own gang doesn't even respect you. go eat another turkey
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