wolfie300 Wrote:greatjoe0987 Wrote:All i want to do is go back to awakenedlands and train thats all but i had to ask to be put in fed jail i just had to do it its all my fault but i want to return to train and get stronger
Dude i kno how you feel with peole hosping you and all cause people think i'm some guy called qwert and they keep hosping me!!!
that might also have something to do with the gang you're in right now...
^^^^ What do you mean????
The gang your in gets hosp'd alot and that my friend is what i think he means maybe you should power lvl and join a better group of players
Looks like he's not in a gang anymore. hmmmmm....
Well zenith if you are reading this please give me a second chance to prove that i am a good person on awakenedlands i emmailed you from my msn so please read the letters i know you are mad at people because of them going in fed jail then asking to get out but if you let me out i am never gonna ask to be put in fed jail again.
Well it looks like i will never get out of fed jail i am not getting responces back from Zen so this is my farewell to awakenedlands.
i might have been in alot of gangs in the past year i was on and might have asked for a loan and left but i paided back the loans in time but at least i still payed them back. In my words i made a mistake i will always regret it and sorry for all the people that got mad at me. i had a good time in awakenedlands in the past year i was on i made some great friends and some strong enemies but my goal was to be the strongest on awakenedlands but that goal wil never be achieved

I might have broken a rule or two but i will say sorry for breaking them. most people will be happy that i will never return to awakenedlands. well thats it this ends my saga.
Farewell awakenedlands

Please don't go, Chameleon!
buuddha Wrote:greatjoe0987 Wrote:Well i did not break any rules thougth so i should be able to get out of fed jail
# Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for breaking the rules.
# Players are only allowed to have one account. Owning / Logging Into more than one account will result in all accounts being punished. Sharing accounts or "Account Sitting" is the same as having multiple accounts. If there is more than one account on the same IP, contact the staff as soon as possible.
thats verbatim straight from the game rules. sorry man.
ok joe, i really think you missed this the first time i posted.
im pretty sure that the fact that you asked to be in the fad jail is NOT the reason your still in fed jail.