Has anyone actually ever used this option on your homepage?
Clicked on it by mistake a couple times.
it should be removed it just makes me mad when i click it on accident on me phone
i do when i log on at friends houses.
i made the mistake of not logging out one time and my friend had a little fun with me and got me in to a bit of trouble.
rule #5:
You are responsible for whatever happens on your account. Do not give out your password to anyone. If another player is logging into your account and breaking rules, the account in question is the one that will be punished.
lesson learn'd
ive never used it to what i remember
me neither i hate how al goes off when im gone for a lil and have to come back and log in though

I use it but Firefox remembers my pass and nick so I just click and back in. but for the most part I just dead boot my pc when I want off.
Mock8800 Wrote:I use it but Firefox remembers my pass and nick so I just click and back in. but for the most part I just dead boot my pc when I want off.
ok i have the same
Use it all the time here.....
6-7 different accounts that play on the same computers that you have to use a Military ID card to log in is just a pain in the arse to log out of the system.....insert new ID card....log in.....log into AL train/crime/fight.....logout....
You get the picture, it's how we play here, it's also how some bad communication has happened in the forums.
I say keep it!