We (The Elders) have taken control of the Rural District. Citizens will be allowed to come and go freely, however, gangs will not be. Any gang member that enters the district is subject to attack.
If you are in a gang and you wish to purchase items from the Rural District you must purchase it through us. Anyone including people not in a gang caught smuggling items out of the Rural will be subject to severe punishment.
If you have any problems with this, please feel free to take it up with my AK-98.
Or, if you prefer, you can take it up with my AK-98.
how can you be sure that people are smuggling stuff?
they gave us too much information, everyone just steal all the 5.45mm ammo and we're gold. lol.
what about us theafers? we aren't a gang, we are a community self hep society. just like the gottis and al capone.

its easy to handle boys and girls leave your gang and join when you have your weapon lol :oops: (dont tell the elders though)
can you post the items available from the rural district and their price on here please cos i dont know whats available and i dont wanna get owned by heading down to the rural district to see
Am I the only one who sees a problem with this? So youre saying the only people who should have upgraded weapons are you and the people you want to sell to? What, are you afraid you wont be top dogs forever? Lets just rename it Awakened Lands: The Elder version.
Im going to make sure whenever I log off Im in the Rural District. Everyone should do the same so the Elders have something to do.
If everyone who is level 8 and higher just goes there as much as possible, they wont be able to handle all of use, and they will just grow weak if they try to. I'm with TwoDogs.
TwoDogs Wrote:Am I the only one who sees a problem with this? So youre saying the only people who should have upgraded weapons are you and the people you want to sell to? What, are you afraid you wont be top dogs forever? Lets just rename it Awakened Lands: The Elder version.
Im going to make sure whenever I log off Im in the Rural District. Everyone should do the same so the Elders have something to do.
It's nice to roleplay, but this whole situation doesn't seem like a good idea. Already got one person to quit because of it, and then he broke the rules before leaving so won't be coming back even if he changed his mind.
I have no problem with RPing, but if it absolutely ruins the game for people you might want to rethink things. This isn't Awakened Lands : Elders do whatever they want Edition.