matt5250 Wrote:If everyone who is level 8 and higher just goes there as much as possible, they wont be able to handle all of use, and they will just grow weak if they try to. I'm with TwoDogs.
Arise my brethren, throw off the shackles of oppression and be free! Let the revolution begin! 
Somehow I knew by the end of the day we would be accused of protecting our "top dog" status as some call it.
It seems when we are not hosting tourneys by giving away hard earned cash or our members are helping people buy houses we are considered the bullies of Awakened Lands.
To be honest we are just trying to enhance the experience of the game and make it more interesting.
i htought it was a great idea =)
they jsut confused the theafers mutual aid society for a gang, but you know

mistakes happen
hosting tourny's is one thing, and hey if you guys wanna give away your hard earned items/cash thats your CHOICE. did you catch the key word in that sentence? cutting a significant part of the game off from a large portion of the people who are playing just because you dominate the rest of the players is a different issue altogether. I mean hey why not just beat on anyone who posts in the forum or outlaw gangs altogether. technically you could do it but its just stupid.
I was good with it up until the part about tracking people down and stomping them for buying items in the RD. If you want to claim it and control it, it's your turf. But if I can get in, get stuff and get out without being caught ....
*Adds covert Rural District arms smuggling to crimes list*
One way to look at this though is if The Elders wanted, they could have been jerks and took over the area and anialated anyone going over to the Rural district........Sounded to me like they were trying to brigde an area for un-gang people to be able to hold their own against "gang" attacks.
holy crap, how much hospital time did you elders get?
I see your point and it was our choice yes. We already have another in the works, just working out the prizes.
Our actions today were sparked by a post in the Feedback Forum about gang turf. We thought it would be fun from an rp perspective. Obviously there is no way for us to track people who buy things there and smuggle them out so we just made that part up. We thought people might like the challenge but we were obviously wrong. We never meant to make anyone quit the game. We were just trying to make it more interesting.
I talked to him on the way out, he had other issues.