Druchii Wrote:haha well ive been sent to the hospital 5times after they claimed, i was in rural and had no intention of leaving, mostly because im lazy, and because i lose no xp when you guys attack me.
you force me to live outside the computer, and in many ways, thats healthy for me. fresh air, see to my girlfriend(who lives in the same apartment) etc etc many things that may seem new to me after a prolonged period of time.
You lose XP unless you are at 0 XP (can't go negative). It's minor, but it still exists.
yeah i lose xp, similar to what they get. and them level 22 boys gain what 5-10xp for kickin my shin. its okay, i dont have problems with the proclaiming ingame ownership of anything. You should be able to do anything inside the game, and they sure push the envelope further.
and tbh i like it, rather then fencing the players in, we find new ways to play the game. and they havent exactly taken the most popular street hostage, so im more then ok with it.
and if i get spare time after im done with my real job due to hospitaltime in the game, i dont mind it.

I miss so much being in the UK. I was looking forward to strutting around the Rural District with my powerful gang buddies protecting me. When i got out of bed and logged on i found that our little plan to take over had ended with me be fed through a drip for a few hours......i laughed my ass off when the plan was announced, it was never set up to p*** people off. Everyone in the Elders is willing to help anyone in the game and i for one have never done anything intentional to upset people in this game.
everyone shoulda just gone and sat in the rural district, woulda accomplished the same thing eventually and it woulda kept the elders busy.
i say the elders go ahead with the area owning because it encourages us to level more and quiker to try to be able to defend ourself from an elder attack in the district and brings a bit of life to the game every1 knows at times its a litlle booring (like being in jail or hospital) so lets make the game better and let them elders know were not scared of them :oops:
im scared of them, they could ruin everything for me. If everyone made a stand against them in the end they could ruin the game for us all but i dont think zenith would allow that to happen. I mean, is there any reason we need the rural district apart from weapons and houses?
If the elders let us in for a short while if we wanted to buy a house or get a new weapon that would solve the problem
Whats this all about :?: what do the elders even get out of this :?: :?
I really liked the Elders idea. Maybe institute some sort of game system for claiming each district, and players ganged who are not in control cannot purchase anything in that district, make it so that a gang can only control 1 district. And make smuggling an actual crime! A failure means you dont get anything out, a critical failure sends a gang alert to the gang in control so they know who to PK instead of sending you to jail. hehehe.
666666 Wrote:im scared of them, they could ruin everything for me. If everyone made a stand against them in the end they could ruin the game for us all but i dont think zenith would allow that to happen. I mean, is there any reason we need the rural district apart from weapons and houses?
If the elders let us in for a short while if we wanted to buy a house or get a new weapon that would solve the problem
i was in the rural district for like half an hour before i first got attacked and i was jsut sitting there blatantly. what people seem to be missing is that almost the whole thing is RPing. if you wanted to get a gun you could get in get the gun and get out ebfore they would even notice.
so whats everyone bothered about?
If they want to inhabit an area ful of cows and wild voles then who cares?
The big cities where all the good things are happening