2008.May.31, 04:20 PM
2008.May.31, 05:18 PM
jiggaj Wrote:what's the problem with discussing this?
so what's the big deal?
It makes my stomach hurt man.
2008.May.31, 11:22 PM
And still this game is considered a "FREE" web based rpg!!!
2008.Jun.01, 12:57 AM
it is free but to have the best in a reasonable amount of time it takes money
2008.Jun.01, 05:40 AM
redz28 Wrote:it is free but to have the best in a reasonable amount of time it takes money
i've made more than 2,000,000 AL $ in less than a year. And i have helped some players, i gave some money. I could have had a villa; a better weapon and higher intelligence and endurance. Now, it all depends on what you consider reasonable amount of time! and if you are in a gang that wars very much or not..
2008.Jun.01, 05:47 AM
alinutza Wrote:redz28 Wrote:it is free but to have the best in a reasonable amount of time it takes money
i've made more than 2,000,000 AL $ in less than a year. And i have helped some players, i gave some money. I could have had a villa; a better weapon and higher intelligence and endurance. Now, it all depends on what you consider reasonable amount of time! and if you are in a gang that wars very much or not..
2mil in a year is less than $100 irl cash.If you want to weigh it up i think its less that 30 cents a day.To some $100 is a lot ,to others a small amount to pay.You have to decide if you play this game more than 3 hours daily then donating has to be the best way to go.Its your "other" life and is worth a small investment if it makes you feel better.
2008.Jun.01, 06:01 AM
biffbaffboff Wrote:2mil in a year is less than $100 irl cash.If you want to weigh it up i think its less that 30 cents a day.To some $100 is a lot ,to others a small amount to pay.You have to decide if you play this game more than 3 hours daily then donating has to be the best way to go.Its your "other" life and is worth a small investment if it makes you feel better.
my point was that you can enjoy the game without donating real money. and you can have good weapons too..
I said that donating it's like investing in your own entertainment, and i still think that. it makes you feel better when you get the top items faster. i wanted to donate 10 or 20$ but i changed my mind. I have other priorities.
Like any other hobby/form of entertainment, it's a matter of how much time and effort you put into it. i made all that money in less than a year, but i played for more than 18 hours in some days..
2008.Jun.01, 06:10 AM
I won't tell you what I made last month then
2008.Jun.01, 06:14 AM
Im sure if you can pull of the airport robberies you could make 6k an hour.Multiply that by 16 hours of active play is 92k a day.31 days a week = more than he earned in a year XD
2008.Jun.01, 06:17 AM
well would reasonable be the best that you can have at that moment.for instance if i only have 12 res i could use the dyneema trench,but condsidering how long you have played you have no choice but to donate to get that 200k armor.i could have the best but i have to pay for it plain and simple.i could be a level 1 with 50 endurance if i had enough money.it all depends on how far you are willing to go.if this is a game you could see your self playing in say 3 years whats a couple hundred.i bought bioshock for 70 bucks and beat it in 4 days.i could have put that into this game,and continued to better myself in a game i will play for years.