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Full Version: How much $ did you put in Zen's pocket?
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i've spent 80 bucks so far. 20 bucks a month for the first 4 months i played.


I'm not too sure, maybe $250.


$70 i think
Loki Wrote:can we talk about something else now

^^ ditto, but i have to say I'm still having fun


Does it really matter?


jesus this game attracts all sorts of people i thought nosy people wernt 1 of them
7 euros! LOL
ask conrad how much I have spent, I'm unsure and dont really wanna think about it
Punisher Wrote:
Loki Wrote:can we talk about something else now

^^ ditto, but i have to say I'm still having fun

Tell ya what, let's go to the bar and not talk about it. First round is on me.


could there be a spot on the POI for most donated. im only 40 into the game and probably wont spend much more. But i have always said that if i hit the lottery it will be fun to spend a few hundred on end and intell and get me a nice beach house Wink.
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