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Full Version: How much $ did you put in Zen's pocket?
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strt182 Wrote:could there be a spot on the POI for most donated. im only 40 into the game and probably wont spend much more. But i have always said that if i hit the lottery it will be fun to spend a few hundred on end and intell and get me a nice beach house Wink.

You still probably wouldn't crack the top 100. If my GF found out I dropped 100's to 1000's into an online "wizard game" before I bought her a ring she use one of my testicles as a her diamond.


strt182 Wrote:could there be a spot on the POI for most donated. im only 40 into the game and probably wont spend much more. But i have always said that if i hit the lottery it will be fun to spend a few hundred on end and intell and get me a nice beach house Wink.

make that a couple grand and you'll get all those.


i've probably dropped 300-400 dollars. i haven't donated in months though. not worth it to me anymore.
grabtindy Wrote:
strt182 Wrote:could there be a spot on the POI for most donated. im only 40 into the game and probably wont spend much more. But i have always said that if i hit the lottery it will be fun to spend a few hundred on end and intell and get me a nice beach house Wink.

You still probably wouldn't crack the top 100. If my GF found out I dropped 100's to 1000's into an online "wizard game" before I bought her a ring she use one of my testicles as a her diamond.


someone better lock this thread before his gf comes along and reads into it

ps chance i'm keen on hitting up the bar!

yagger bombz all around!!
chance Wrote:
Punisher Wrote:
Loki Wrote:can we talk about something else now

^^ ditto, but i have to say I'm still having fun

Tell ya what, let's go to the bar and not talk about it. First round is on me.

I'm with u guys...! Can we go to a CHEAP Bar?


i spent around 6 or 700. i wasted most of it until i learned the best ways to spend my credits. ya i'm an idiot and i'm dropping 60 more tommorow and evey 2 week from now on
unpredictabletex Wrote:i spent around 6 or 700. i wasted most of it until i learned the best ways to spend my credits. ya i'm an idiot and i'm dropping 60 more tommorow and evey 2 week from now on

is that an invitation to mug you every 2 weeks?


LikeWhoa Wrote:
unpredictabletex Wrote:i spent around 6 or 700. i wasted most of it until i learned the best ways to spend my credits. ya i'm an idiot and i'm dropping 60 more tommorow and evey 2 week from now on

is that an invitation to mug you every 2 weeks?

if you can mug credits :roll: :roll: :roll:


what's the problem with discussing this?

so what's the big deal?


$5 every month for a couple months plus I'm forking out the $$ for my Fiance so double that?
Just dropped $20 to get us both set for 2 mo.
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