Is there any rule to allow you to keep your original name or is any hobo allowed to steal it if you change for an event or something?
If your login name is the same as the name you normally go by then it can't be stolen. For example, you login with the name biffbaffboff, nobody can take that name from you no matter what you change your name to.
really? so no1 can steal likewhoa from me?
See other threads by Zenith, once left, a name is free to grab.
It has been seen as a mean of retaliation, annoyance, joke, and so on by many players.
The most common use if to get a newborn AL citizen to change it through public mail, in return of a small amount (few K$'s) wich is to him enormous. The fact that the individual does not understand what taking X name would do, he does it, and gets his first new gear.
Changing name, if you find it to be important to you, should be something you never do, or are ready to live with the consequences. High prices could be asked.
Long story short, you like your name = dont change it
LikeWhoa Wrote:really? so no1 can steal likewhoa from me?
You got it, you can safely change your name to whatever you'd like within reason

You should be able to buy names XD.Like car reg numbers.Say 10 credits protects a certain name for you and you only.However you could sell it on if you wanted to.Just a thought.
Maybe after a player has been inactive for 150 days there name gets removed. Then they are renamed their ID. That way we could have all thoose old names back.
Good point.But say i like to use 5 names that no one has.I want them for myself so i purchase them.Then they are mine forever and i can switch when i want to.ALso i could sell them on if someone wants it so bad :wink:
Then when you retire, and n00bs want a name and greedy you has 5?