Are you saying:
a) Who is afraid of 2 day old players?
b) CarlWeathers is feared by 2 day old players (they are afraid of him)
c) CarlWeathers is afraid of 2 day old players
Maybe it is just me, but I had minor issues understanding exactly what you meant. I want to say b.
my bad i was sayin that the only People afraid of CarlWeathers are 2 day old players cause he cant beat anyone else
Still saying CarlWeathers. He's always in the hospital or in jail..And that's where feared or hated people end up.
on that note; how about a pantheon for most time spent in the hospital! That would be a freakin sweet stat to keep track of!
KcCashBrigade Wrote:on that note; how about a pantheon for most time spent in the hospital! That would be a freakin sweet stat to keep track of!
Let's put both time earned and time spent, see who stims a lot and who doesn't

I'm glad someone robbed my idea from the hospitalization thread. It'd be sweet to see, though.
yeah tommi they stole it because you spit hot fire
I agree with everybody else who said Zen, and Err there untouchable.
BL00DYHAZ3 Wrote:I agree with everybody else who said Zen, and Err there untouchable.
They are also not players. I think the whole point of this thread is to point out players that you definitely don't want to start up a PVP war against.
Like when me and a few mates including Rafal were in Pimpstars and we started a hospitalization war against Super Villains we experienced that Punisher and Ushanewnewba was fighting fiercely to keep up their players morale to endure 4-5 days of intense beating, while their top gun dished out some heavy hits to us.
I tried to stay on 90-100 hospitalizations on SV players through the two long hospitalization wars we had, and it was immense fun. Unfortunately both wars seemed to end up in a draw cause we both got a bit bored after 4-5 days. Maybe the longest lasted 6 days. So kudos to Ush and Pun for putting up a real nice fight back then, think I had something like 20-40 hosps done a day back then my butt.
Chiefeagle when we PvP warred him turned out to be one of the best tick hunters I've seen. It was a long fight to stay under 50% health, so I had to check back often, and had to try and have enough energy to attack and stay under 50%, so that I could avoid getting hosp'ed, and he was just awesome at hunting me down.
Not counting in Pullo and Vorenus in this thing, cause they had the hitman gang at that point and had virtually nothing to lose, so they would just get payed to do random hits to try and soften us up.
Sense the admins. don't count then, i'd say TheGeneral for his high performance